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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


These free downloads are available to Members of The Ailbe Community, to strengthen your walk with the Lord and your ministry in His Name. Do you have an idea for a free download? Write to The Fellowship at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., and we’ll talk about it.

The resurrection of Jesus means the pleasure of the Lord is unfolding, and we are in the thick of it.

When temptation comes, we have a choice: We can fall through temptation into sin; or we can grow through temptation into greater sanctification in the Lord.

Our free booklet, To Know the Secrets of the World, can help you get started in a life-long adventure of discovering God's glory in creation. Here are guidelines, examples, and even a journal to enable you to discover the wonders God has hidden for you in the things He has made.

In Daniel 7, the prophet sees the coming of God's King, as the victorious and ascended Christ receives His throne, and bestows His everlasting Kingdom on those who believe in Him.

Why are there so many psalms encouraging us to seek the Lord for revival? Obviously, because God wants us to do so. And He has provided the psalms to guide us in understanding what revival is, why it’s necessary, and how we may seek it from Him.

The theme of this psalm reminds us of the Lord Jesus’ promise in Matthew 28.20, that He will be with us always, no matter what, to the end of the age.

This series, titled “Faith in What?” explores the basics of Christianity, based on Romans 10:9.

Between 430 and 800 AD a movement of God's Spirit, beginning in Ireland, brought multiplied thousands to Christ, renewed churches all over Europe, sent thousands of missionaries to foreign lands, and saved civilization. Here's a resource to help you learn more about the Celtic Revival.

Matthew roots the story of Jesus in Old Testament revelation. In the process, he teaches us how to read the Old Testament, so that we see Jesus on its every page. The story of redemption breaks into time and history with the birth of Jesus through two faithful and obedient people. God Who is with us has finally come! And He’ll never leave us again.

A catechism is an ancient form of learning using questions and answers. The Kingdom Catechism focuses on how the Law of God can help to make us proper citizens and ambassadors in that Kingdom.

The genealogies of Scripture are like the gleanings after a harvest. Theologians, teachers, and Bible students eagerly and repeatedly reap the fruit of the books, doctrines, themes, topics, and other offerings from the field of God’s Word. But the genealogies get short shrift. We speed through them, or even skip them altogether when we come to them in our reading. We leave them for someone else to glean.

But there is meat on those shocks and stalks, and in this series, Gleanealogy, we are the gleaners, determined to bring that meat to table.

Paul begins his letter to the Ephesians with an overview of the plan of salvation. He details how we were hopelessly lost, unable to save ourselves, and how God delivered us from this in a way that gives all glory to Himself and none to us.

It’s all about Him.

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