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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Pastor to Pastor Resource

The Reformation was not just about right doctrine. As these excerpts from Martin Luther and John Calvin demonstrate, the reformers were eager to rediscover the true nature of Christian life and of the Church as the community of God's people.

Bridges was an evangelical Anglican pastor during the first part of the 19th century. His book explains what the work of ministry entails and what can keep us from fulfilling our calling. The 28 readings in this free PDF download are coupled with Scripture, a brief commentary, and questions for reflection. This could be an excellent source for a review of your calling, or for helping you church’s leaders gain a better understanding of what you – and they – are called to by the Lord.    

Insights and meditations on the Church from John Calvin.

Augustine was one of the great saints and teachers of the early Church. His On Christian Doctrine remains as one of the finest handbooks for learning to read, study, and teach the Word of God. These 28 meditations will help you gain an appreciation of this book and its lessons for preaching and teaching.

Few things are more important to “get right” in our churches than the worship of God. Worship is the Christian’s highest calling and greatest privilege, as it is also for the local church. God has set forth a pattern of sound worship in His Word, and our duty is to learn and follow that pattern, for the glory of God, the edification of His Body, and the progress of His Kingdom.

Calvin and Edwards on Ministry provides excerpts from three important works by these two great shepherds from the past, to guide us in reviewing the most fundamental aspects of our calling to serve the Lord and His flock.

Making disciples: It's our calling, so we need all the help we can get. Allred leads us in thinking about the life of discipleship, and Robert E. Coleman leads in a look at the how-to.

The Law of God is a much-neglected portion of God's Word these days. Too bad, for as John Calvin shows us, much benefit can come from more careful and prayer study of the Ten Commandments and all the Law of God. These excerpts from Calvin's Sermons on the Ten Commandments are a special, 6-week edition of our monthly Pastor to Pastor resource.

Every church needs to improve its work of Christian education - the work of making disciples. John Amos Comenius, author of The Great Didactic, offers insights and counsel as to how we can enlarge our vision, sharpen our focus, and be more effective in seeking results from our efforts. These 28 readings and meditations can help to enhance your church's work educating the people of God.

Vision for life and ministry: Few things are more important in the work of pastoral ministry. This month's resource looks to church leaders from the 2nd to the 20th century to learn what we can about pastoral vision.

19th century Anglican pastor and theologian Charles Bridges gives us a concise overview of the calling to ministry - why it matters, what it requires, how pastors and shepherds carry out their work.

Columbanus speaks in his own words in these daily excerpts from some of his finest sermons.

Columbanus was one of thousands of Irish missionary/monks whose labors, during the 5th-7th centuries, revived moribund churches, renewed culture, awakened pagan peoples, and left a legacy of spiritual vitality and transformation that continues to this day. In the words of historian Thomas Cahill, those great Irish saints “saved civilization.”