Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Darren’s Story

T.M. Moore
Darren Ho

And a little child shall lead us.

The Lord has really given us a blessing in having three beautiful children aged 7, 6 and 4. Each of them reflects the joy of knowing Jesus in their own way, and particularly at school to non-Christian friends.

Quite often, it’s just simply asking friends if “they know Jesus?” and witnessing through prayer before daily meals at school. Through these interactions, other kids share stories of the day, and that reaches their parents.

Parents of my children’s friends are a key part of our Personal Mission Field. My wife Steffanie and I have intentionally placed a sphere of relationship that God invites us to participate with Him – at our kids school. As a result, this past summer, my to oldest kids were able to invite their close friends to VBS. This opened a door for my wife and me to speak openly to their parents, now our friends, about the joy of knowing Jesus.

Not only were they open and receptive for their children to attend VBS, they began small steps to joining us at church, and their kids experiencing Sunday school.

I’m totally in awe and in great thanks to witness the One true God, through the Holy Spirit use the faith of our children to evangelize, disciple, and help us their parents do the same.

Simply amazing.

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