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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Ailbe Podcast

You need to be careful around kings and others who are in authority. Of course, we all know that. Are we as careful around God?

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Listen in as the master deceiver lays out his plan to undermine faith in God and lie his way to dominion over God's people.

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Our mind set on Jesus, immersed in His Word and promises, and seeking His Kingdom, we're ready to look around, and to redeem the time of our lives.

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Human beings are helplessly lost in sin. We cannot save ourselves. Only God, by His grace in Jesus Christ, can renew our wills and bring us to salvation in Jesus.

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No sooner had Patrick's ministry begun to take off in Ireland, than he was faced with a very severe test. But God was with him.

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What is it about light that fascinates and enthralls us so? In this final installment of "Ray of Sun," we consider humankind's fond romance with light.

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In Ecclesiastes 6 and 7, Solomon urges us not to be so caught up in the here and now, that we forget to keep an eye on the then and there.

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We listen in as the devil ponders a scheme for invading and disrupting God's covenant with His people. This is Part 1 of a 2-part series entitled, "The Flesh."

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We all look up to see Jesus in glory, and look back to discover Him in Scripture and Church history. And as we see Him, He's looking ahead to coming of His Kingdom. So must we.

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We've seen how humankind fell into sin and lost the benefits of God's covenant. Can anything restore us? Yes, indeed.

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Patrick finally arrived at his home, only to be confronted by God in a vision of the Irish people, calling him to return.

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If you've never heard of Jeremiah Horrox, you're not alone. Isaac Newton heard of him, though, and because of Horrox, the world knows Newton.

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God has no patience with those who try to use His Name for their own advantage, or who fail to trust in Him for the everyday situations of life. Solomon explains in Ecclesiastes 5.

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In Volume 4, Part 6, the father of all lies gloats over his ruinous rule over the sons of men. But you can hear a sense of ill foreboding, as he realizes this is but a temporary situation.

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The Christian life is anchored in looking up to Jesus, exalted to glory. But it also takes strong bearings from looking back to where we've come from, and what God intends for us.

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