Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

2017 Voices Together Weekly Format

John Nunnikhoven

Voices Together is available in a weekly format suitable for distribution as a church bulletin insert or for distribution to small groups or in prisons. It includes theScrriptures and meditations for the coming week, Monday through the Lord's Day. It is formatted to print double sided on 8 1/2" x 11" paper with a mid-page horizontal fold. Please feel free to utilize this in your own ministries.

Voices Together January 2-8, 2017
Voices Together January 9-15
Voices Together January 16-22
Voices Together January 23-29
Voices Together January 30-February 5
Voices Together February 6-12
Voices Together February 13-19
Voices Together February 20-16
Voices Together February 27-March 5
Voices Together March 6-12
Voices Together March 13-19
Voices Together March 20-26
Voices Together March 27-April 2
Voices Together April 3-9
Voices Together April 10-16
Voices Together April 17-23
Voices Together April 24-30
Voices Together May 1-7
Voices Together May 8-14
Voices Together May 15-21
Voices Together May 22-28
Voices Together May 29-June 4
Voices Together June 5-11
Voices Together June 12-18
Voices Together June 19-25
Voices Together June 26-July 2
Voices Together July 3-9
Voices Together July 10-16
Voices Together July 17-23
Voices Together July 24-30
Voices Together July 31-August 6
Voices Together August 7-13
Voices Together August 14-20
Voices Together August 21-27
Voices Together August 28-September 3
Voices Together September 4-10
Voices Together September 11-17
Voices Together September 18-24
Voices Together September 25-October 1
Voices Together October 2-8
Voices Together October 9-15
Voices Together October 16-22
Voices Together October 23-29
Voices Together October30-November 5
Voices Together November 6-12
Voices Together November 13-19
Voices Together November 20-26
November 27-December 3
Voices Together December 4-10
Voices Together December 11-17
Voices Together December 25-31

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