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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Understanding the Need for Godly Men

Dale Tedder

There is a crisis of masculinity in our culture. The following posts on “Keeping the Standard” will focus on this crisis, our need for godly men, what godly manhood is, and how we can encourage and pursue it. Join me in the days to come as we look at this important topic.

The Masculine Void: Why Our World Needs Godly Men

In a world of shifting paradigms and blurred lines, one crisis looms large yet often unaddressed: the crisis of masculinity. As we survey the landscape of our society, we find ourselves asking, “Where have all the good men gone?” This isn’t just a catchy phrase from a pop song; it’s a deep-seated cry echoing through the corridors of our culture.

Look around, and you’ll see the symptoms everywhere. Fatherless homes have become the norm rather than the exception. Young boys struggle to find positive male role models, often turning to celebrities or athletes who may not embody the values we hope to instill. In boardrooms and backyards alike, we witness a parade of men who seem to have lost their way, unsure of their role or purpose in a rapidly changing world.

This vacuum doesn’t just affect men; it ripples through every facet of society. Families crumble, communities weaken, and the very fabric of our culture begins to fray at the edges. The absence of godly men isn’t just a problem for men – it’s a problem for everyone.

The Call for a New Kind of Strength

But what do we mean by “godly men?” Surely, we’re not calling for a return to some outdated, oppressive form of masculinity. No, the need of the hour is for men who embody a different kind of strength – one that’s rooted in character rather than bravado, in wisdom rather than mere knowledge.

Proverbs 20:6 asks, “Many a man proclaims his own steadfast love, but a faithful man who can find?” This verse cuts to the heart of our current crisis. We have plenty of men who talk a big game, but where are the ones who consistently walk the walk?

Redefining Heroism in Everyday Life

The world doesn’t need more tough guys; it needs more tender warriors. Men who are strong enough to be gentle, confident enough to be humble, and brave enough to be vulnerable. We need men who understand that true heroism often wears the disguise of ordinary life – changing diapers, mentoring youth, loving their wives faithfully, and standing firm in their convictions even when it costs them.

In Ephesians 5:25, we’re given a radical picture of masculine love: “Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her.” This is sacrificial love, a far cry from the self-serving attitudes that often masquerade as masculinity in our culture.

The Ripple Effect of Righteousness

When godly men rise to the occasion, the impact is far-reaching. Families are strengthened, communities are uplifted, and a new generation finds the role models it so desperately needs. One man living out his high calling can influence countless lives, creating a ripple effect that spans generations.

As we stand at this crucial juncture, the call goes out for men to step up and into their God-given role. Not as tyrants or doormats, but as servant-leaders who understand that their strength finds its ultimate expression in how they build others up.

The Path Forward: From Crisis to Opportunity

This crisis of masculinity, daunting as it may seem, is also an unprecedented opportunity. It’s a chance for men to redefine what it means to be a man in ways that honor God and serve others. The world is waiting, watching, and yes, even longing for men who will answer this high calling.

In the posts to come, we’ll explore what this looks like in practical terms. We’ll delve into the biblical blueprint for manhood, examine the ultimate model of masculinity in Jesus Christ, and offer concrete steps for becoming the men God has called us to be.

The need is clear. The stakes are high. The time is now. Will you answer the call?

Key Principle

True masculinity finds its essence not in domination or self-aggrandizement, but in godly character that serves and uplifts others.

Reflection Questions

1.      In what areas of your life do you see the effects of absent or misguided masculinity?

2.      How does your current understanding of manhood align with or differ from the biblical perspective?

3.      Who are the godly male role models in your life, and what qualities do they embody?

4.      In what ways might you be contributing to or combating the current crisis of masculinity?

5.      What’s one area where you feel God calling you to step up as a man in your family, workplace, or community?

Action Steps

1.      Identify one area in your life where you can immediately begin to embody godly masculinity more fully. Make a specific plan to address this area this week.

2.      Reach out to a younger man in your circle of influence and offer to mentor him, even if it’s just meeting for coffee once a month.

3.      Begin a daily practice of reading Scripture focused on godly character, starting with Proverbs or the life of Jesus in the Gospels.

Thank you for taking the time to read and reflect on today’s need for godly manhood. If you found this post helpful, please consider sharing it with others who might benefit from these insights. Don’t forget to subscribe to our newsletter for more weekly devotionals and Bible studies. Remember, there are additional resources available on my personal website that don’t go out via email. You can find more devotionals, Bible studies, and other resources by visiting Walking Points


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