Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Mystery of Christ Revealed: Lesson 5

Dale Tedder

This week’s Bible study, based on Colossians 2:1-5



In this passage, the Apostle Paul shares his deep pastoral concern and struggle for the believers in Colossae and Laodicea, as well as for those he has not met. His desire is for their hearts to be encouraged and united in love. This encouragement and unity are not ends in themselves but serve a greater purpose: that the believers may reach the full assurance of understanding and the knowledge of God’s mystery, which is Christ. This profound mystery, hidden for ages, is now revealed in Jesus, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.

Paul’s struggle and concern reflect the heart of a true pastor. His aim is to safeguard the believers against being deluded by plausible or “fine-sounding” but deceptive arguments. He rejoices in these believers’ good order and the firmness of their faith, even though he’s not physically present with them. This passage seems to be especially relevant for Christians today.

Paul emphasizes the importance of encouragement and love among believers. He knows that an encouraged heart, knit together with others in love, is resilient against false teachings. John Bunyan, in his classic Pilgrim’s Progress, illustrates the journey of Christian, who finds encouragement and strength in the fellowship of other believers like Faithful and Hopeful. And we all know Frodo never would have completed his journey without Sam. In the same way, our faith is fortified when we are united in love with fellow believers.

Understanding and knowing Christ deeply is foundational to our faith and provides us with an assurance of our salvation, which begins here and now. N.T. Wright writes, “When we think of Jesus as the treasure-house of wisdom and knowledge, we realize that true knowing is not a matter of detached intellectual contemplation, but involves a relationship of love and trust.” This surely is what Jesus has in mind in John 17:3, when he prays that we might “know” the Father and his Son, Jesus Christ. The hymn “Blessed Assurance” by Fanny Crosby captures this beautifully: “Blessed assurance, Jesus is mine! Oh, what a foretaste of glory divine!” Paul wants the Colossians to have this blessed assurance, grounded in the mystery of Christ, who is the repository of all wisdom and knowledge. This assurance enables believers to stand firm against deceptive philosophies.

Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, is our ultimate source of truth and understanding. Scripture, as well as many Christian writers through the centuries, have emphasized the sufficiency of Christ for all our needs, likening our pursuit of other things to seeking water from broken cisterns when a fountain of living water is freely available to us. The treasures of wisdom and knowledge found in Christ are inexhaustible, enriching our lives in ways the world cannot offer, even while pretending it can.

Paul’s concern about “plausible arguments” reflects the ongoing battle against false teachings. The early church faced numerous heresies, much like we do today. Augustine of Hippo, in his work Confessions, speaks of his own journey from error to truth, highlighting the importance of discerning and embracing sound doctrine. By rooting ourselves in Christ, we safeguard our faith against the ever-present danger of deception. If we are not deeply grounded in the truths of Scripture and the doctrines of our faith, we set ourselves up to be tossed around by every wind of doctrine (Ephesians 4:14). And as a shepherd goes, so goes the flock.

Paul’s rejoicing in the firmness of the Colossians’ faith despite his physical absence is a testament to the strength found in a church that is truly grounded in Christ as he is revealed in Scripture. The poet William Cowper, in his hymn “God Moves in a Mysterious Way,” reminds us that even when we do not see God working, he is present and active in our lives. Paul’s spiritual presence with the Colossians reflects this truth, encouraging us to remain steadfast in our faith, even when we may not be able to see or discern how God is working in that moment.

Key Principles

1.      Encouragement and Unity in Love: Our hearts are strengthened and our faith fortified through encouragement and unity in the body of Christ. 

2.      Full Assurance in Christ: True understanding and assurance come from knowing Christ, in whom all wisdom and knowledge are found. 

3.      Guarding Against Deception: Being rooted in Christ protects us from being led astray by false teachings that are presented as reasonable alternatives to our faith in our Lord.

Bible Study Questions

1.      What does Paul mean in verse 1, by his “struggle” for the believers in Colossae and Laodicea?

2.      How can our hearts be encouraged and united in love according to verse 2? 

3.      What is the significance of reaching the “full assurance of understanding?” (v. 2) 

4.      How is the mystery of God revealed in Christ? (vv. 2-3)

5.      Why does Paul emphasize that all treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ? (v. 3) 

6.      How can believers safeguard themselves against plausible but deceptive arguments? 

7.      What does Paul mean by being “absent in body” but “present in spirit?” (v. 5) 

8.      How does Paul’s joy in the firmness of the Colossians’ faith inspire and encourage you? 

9.      How does this passage emphasize the importance of covenantal-community in the Christian faith? 

10.   What practical steps can we take to deepen our understanding and knowledge of Christ? 

Questions for Discussion and Personal Reflection

1.      Reflect on a time when you were encouraged by the love and unity of fellow believers. 

2.      How does understanding the mystery of Christ impact your daily walk with him? 

3.      What are some “plausible arguments” in today’s world that can lead believers astray? Explain. 

4.      In what ways can you deepen your assurance in the knowledge of Christ? 

5.      How can you contribute to the encouragement and unity of your church family? 

6.      Reflect on the “hidden treasures” you have found in Christ. Provide one or two examples and share how have they enriched your life? 

7.      How can you discern between true and false teachings in today’s culture? Give some practical and concrete examples. 

8.      What role does community play in your spiritual growth and resilience against deception? 

9.      How can you emulate Paul’s pastoral heart in your interactions with others? (While you may not be a pastor, God has still called you to shepherd those he has entrusted to your care.) 

10.   In what ways can you remain spiritually present with others even when physically absent? 

Action Steps

1.      Engage in Community: Join a small group or Bible study to foster unity and encouragement within your church. 

2.      Deepen Your Knowledge: Commit to a regular study of Scripture, (alone and with a group), focusing on the teachings and person of Christ. 

3.      Discernment Practice: Regularly evaluate the teachings you encounter against the truth of Scripture. When you have questions, seek out a mature and trustworthy Christian who can lovingly guide you in your discernment. 

4.      Encourage Others: Make a habit of encouraging fellow believers, cultivating a loving and supportive community, rooted in the grace and truth of our Lord Jesus Christ.



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