Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Cost and Reward of Finding God’s Treasure

Dale Tedder

Dear Christian,

Thank you for your question about Matthew 13:44, a beautiful and thought-provoking parable told by Jesus:

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy, he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.”

You’re asking why the man, upon discovering such an incredible treasure, would hide it rather than share it. That’s a great question, and it reveals your deep desire to understand and live out the joy of God’s Kingdom. Let’s reflect on what this passage is teaching us.

The Treasure Beyond All Treasures

Jesus compares the Kingdom of heaven to a hidden treasure to show its incomparable value. This is no ordinary treasure – it represents the joy, hope, and eternal life found in knowing and following Christ. The man in the parable discovers this treasure, and it immediately transforms his life. He recognizes that it’s worth more than anything else he owns, so he joyfully sells everything he has to secure it.

The emphasis here is on the overwhelming worth of the Kingdom of heaven. Jesus is teaching us that knowing him and being a part of his Kingdom is so precious that it’s worth sacrificing everything else. The man’s joy-filled response is meant to be our response as well: to recognize the infinite value of life in Christ and give ourselves wholly to him.

Why Did the Man Hide the Treasure?

Your question touches on an important detail in the story: Why does the man cover up the treasure instead of shouting about it? It’s important to remember that this is a parable – a story meant to convey spiritual truths rather than literal actions. The man’s hiding of the treasure doesn’t mean we’re called to keep the good news of the Kingdom to ourselves. Instead, it highlights something specific: his recognition of the treasure’s value and his single-minded focus on securing it.

In the culture of Jesus’ day, finding treasure in a field would have been a rare but possible scenario. Ownership of the treasure would belong to the person who legally purchased the field. By hiding the treasure and buying the field, the man shows that he’s willing to let go of everything else in his life to gain the treasure fully and legitimately.

Spiritually, this reflects the cost of discipleship. When we discover the treasure of the Kingdom, we must prioritize it above all else. Like the man in the parable, we’re called to lay aside earthly pursuits and distractions, making the Kingdom our highest joy and greatest investment.

Sharing the Treasure of the Kingdom

Now, let’s address the other part of your question: If the treasure is so amazing, wouldn’t we want to share it? Absolutely! Jesus calls us to be his witnesses and to proclaim the good news of the Kingdom to others (Matthew 28:19–20). However, this parable isn’t about hiding the Gospel from others but about the personal joy and sacrifice involved in receiving the Kingdom for oneself.

When you discover the Kingdom of heaven, it changes your heart and life in such a profound way that you want to tell everyone. But first, you must treasure it in your own heart. The man in the parable shows us the importance of fully embracing the treasure for ourselves before we can truly share it with others.

Imagine finding a source of life-changing joy. You would naturally want to secure it and make it your own. Once it is firmly rooted in your life, you’ll be eager to invite others to experience that same joy. In this way, the parable highlights the inward transformation that leads to outward witness.

Treasuring the Kingdom in Your Heart

When we understand the infinite value of the Kingdom of heaven, it reshapes our priorities. Like the man in the parable, we’re willing to let go of anything that hinders us from fully embracing Christ. As we treasure him above all else, our lives become a testimony to the world.

This parable invites us to reflect: Is the Kingdom of heaven truly our greatest treasure? Do we hold it so dear that we’re willing to let go of lesser things to secure it? And once we’ve embraced it, are we faithfully sharing its joy with others?

Key Principle

The Kingdom of heaven is a treasure of infinite worth, calling us to joyful sacrifice, inward transformation, and outward witness.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Do you see the Kingdom of heaven as the greatest treasure in your life? If not, what might be competing for your heart’s affection?
  2. What “fields” in your life might require sacrifice to fully embrace the treasure of God’s Kingdom?
  3. How can you share the joy of the Kingdom with others while treasuring it deeply in your own heart?

Action Steps

  1. Spend time in prayer this week, asking God to reveal areas in your life where you may need to surrender something to fully embrace his Kingdom.
  2. Identify one person with whom you can share the joy of the Kingdom, and take a step to encourage them in their walk with Christ.

I pray that’s helpful and hopeful.

Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Dale

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