Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Sunday Morning Devotional: Week 37

Dale Tedder

Thanks for joining me today as we begin our week together. May the Lord richly bless you as you spend time with him and seek his presence.

There is nothing that makes us love a man so much as praying for him. (William Law)

This Week’s Scripture
·         Acts 1:6-14
·         Psalm 68:1-10, 32-35
·         1 Peter 4:12-14; 5:6-11
·         John 17:1-11


Psalm 68:35
Awesome is God from his sanctuary;
    the God of Israel—he is the one who gives power and strength to his people.
Blessed be God!

Hail, Thou Once Despised Jesus (verse 1)
Hail, thou once despised Jesus! Hail, thou Galilean King!
Thou didst suffer to release us; thou didst free salvation bring.
Hail thou universal Savior, who has borne our sin and shame!
By thy merits we find favor; life is given through thy name.

(John Bakewell and Martin Madan)

Take time now to offer God your praise and worship.


And this is eternal life, that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom you have sent. (John 17:3)

We confess to you, God of ceaseless mercy, our tendency to spread the Gospel in word and deed only half-heartedly and weakly, partly because we do it according to our own timetable and relying on our own energies. Forgive us, we pray, and help us to hear and heed again the direction of Jesus to wait upon you and the Spirit, which alone can make us effective ministers for you. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. (Paul A. Laughlin)

As David did in Psalm 139, ask the Lord to search you and know you through and through. Confess the sins God brings to mind, knowing you are forgiven and that He will cleanse you from all unrighteousness (1 John 1:9).

Heavenly Father, you are the one true God and I give you praise for who you are and for your Son, Jesus Christ. Thank you for glorifying your Son and for bestowing upon him all authority to give eternal life to all you have given him. To know you is eternal life, the greatest blessing imaginable. You didn’t look at me and see one worthy of such love and grace. But from your own character and will, poured out such unearned gifts. Thank you. I praise you that my Lord Jesus was not only raised from the dead, but glorified in heaven at your right hand. Thank you Father for Jesus passing on to your children what you gave to him, that we might know you, your will, and your truth. Fill us with your Spirit so we may walk all of our days according to what has been given us. In Christ’s name I pray. Amen. (based on John 17:1-11)

Spend some time reflecting on the prayer of thanksgiving above and then thank God for who he is and the many ways he has poured out his goodness and grace in your life.
Supplication (Petitions – prayers for yourself)

·         Help me to grow in wisdom and become who you created and redeemed me to be.
·         Renew my mind and enable me to cultivate a godly perspective and attitude regarding the various spheres and circumstances of my life.
·         Today’s events and interactions with others, planned and unplanned
·         Other needs

Supplication (Intercession – prayers for others)

·         My family, immediate and extended
·         Those struggling with sin, illness, or difficulties in their workplace
·         Other needs
 We pursue God because, and only because, he has first put an urge within us that spurs us to the pursuit. (A.W. Tozer)

If you would like to read other things I’ve written, you can go to my personal website, Walking Points


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