Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Spend Time with Others

Dale Tedder

Spending Time with Others

This Lesson’s Scripture: Acts 9:19b-31 and Mark 2:1-12

Key Idea

“Learning, Loving, and Living Jesus involves influencing others for the sake of Jesus. Be the kind of person who brings others to Jesus.”

Discussing the Scripture

  1. Read Acts 9:19b-31. What had Saul (soon to be “Paul”) been doing in verses 19b-22 that had gotten him into trouble with the Jews in Damascus? What were they planning on doing to Saul (v. 23)?
  2. What did Saul’s new fellow disciples do to help him out of this dangerous situation (v. 25)?
  3. Two or three year later Paul traveled to Jerusalem (he refers to this visit in Galatians 1:18-20) to join the disciples there. But because of his past, the disciples were afraid of him. Who intervened on behalf of Saul and how did he do so (v. 27)?
  4. What did this intervention allow Saul to do in the name of Jesus (v. 28-29)?
  5. What did fellow believers in Jesus do to help Saul once it was learned that people wanted to kill him (vv. 29-30)?
  6. Read Mark 2:1-12. Describe the scene in verses 1-2.
  7. Who helped the paralyzed man in verses 3-4? What did they do on his behalf?
  8. What were the results of the efforts of these friends (vv. 5-12)?

Applying the Scripture

  1. Summarize what the people in both stories did. What were the risks? What did it cost them?
  2. Who are the people in your life who need to be “brought to Jesus?” What risks are there for you to do so? What might it cost you?
  3. In your group, discuss ways you can help other Christians for the sake of Jesus (like Saul’s story). Discuss ways you can help bring those who need Jesus to him (like Mark’s story).
  4. What personal obstacles will you have to overcome to do those things?
  5. Spend some personal time this week, as well as in your group, praying for God to reveal to you the people who make up your personal mission field. Pray for God to give you the grace, wisdom, courage, and opportunities you need to help introduce others to Jesus.

ACTS (A prayer guide for this lesson)

  • A – Adoration (What did you learn about Jesus in this lesson? Offer some words of praise and adoration for what you learned about our Lord.)
  • C – Confession (Was there a sin or struggle this lesson helped you see in yourself more clearly. Confess this to God and ask him to help you turn from it and toward greater spiritual growth. Read 1 John 1:9)
  • T – Thanksgiving (What spiritual truth did you learn in this lesson? Spend time thanking God for revealing it to you.)
  • S – Supplication (Pray for any needs of the members of your group, including their spiritual needs.)

John Wesley’s Questions for Self-Examination

  • Morning
    • Was God my last thought before sleeping and my first thought upon waking?


  • Evening
    • Have I done anything today without considering how it might advance God’s purposes, whether in small or large ways?
    • Have I been quick and eager to do what good I could do this day?

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