Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Fresh Bread for Today

Dale Tedder

Daily Nourishment for the Soul

Before there was Walking Points, there was Fresh Bread for Today. The phrase came from a dear mentor of mine who often spoke of a friend who would ask, “Do you have any fresh bread for me today?” By that, he meant, “Have you been in God’s Word today, and what has God revealed to you?” It was a simple, yet profound, reminder that the Christian life is meant to be one of daily dependence on the nourishment of God’s truth. His friend wasn’t looking for day-old bread, nor was he interested in theological leftovers from the past. He wanted fresh insight, a living word from the living God. This stayed with me over the years and shaped my understanding of how essential it is to feed daily on the Bread of Life.

The image of bread as God’s provision runs deep in Scripture. When Israel wandered in the wilderness, God sent manna from heaven, instructing them to gather only what was needed for each day. Exodus 16:4 records God’s words: “Behold, I am about to rain bread from heaven for you, and the people shall go out and gather a day’s portion every day, that I may test them, whether they will walk in my law or not.” They couldn’t hoard or store it for the future – except on the Sabbath – because God wanted them to trust him daily. This was more than sustenance; it was a spiritual lesson. Jesus later made the connection explicit when he said, “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of God” (Matthew 4:4). The manna in the wilderness foreshadowed the spiritual nourishment that comes from abiding in Christ and consuming his Word daily.

The True Bread from Heaven

Jesus took this image even further when he declared, “I am the bread of life; whoever comes to me shall not hunger, and whoever believes in me shall never thirst” (John 6:35). The crowds had followed him after the miraculous feeding of the five thousand, longing for more physical provision, yet Jesus redirected their focus. Their greatest need wasn’t another meal but a Savior who could satisfy the hunger of their souls. In saying he was the true bread from heaven, Jesus made it clear that our deepest fulfillment doesn’t come from worldly sustenance but from an abiding relationship with him.

This is a truth many of us struggle to internalize. We may acknowledge that Christ alone satisfies, yet we often try to sustain ourselves on past spiritual experiences. But just as the Israelites couldn’t live on yesterday’s manna, neither can we thrive on a faith that is based solely on what God did in our lives last year or even last week. The Christian life is a daily walk, a constant return to the source of true nourishment. This is why Jesus taught his disciples to pray, “Give us this day our daily bread” (Matthew 6:11). He wasn’t just referring to food but to all that we need from the Father – including spiritual sustenance.

The Danger of Running on Empty

When we neglect this daily nourishment, we risk spiritual malnourishment. Many of us know what it’s like to live on the reserves of past Bible study or past seasons of intimacy with God. We might still go through the motions, even serving and teaching others, yet inwardly we feel dry and depleted. This has been my own experience at times – continuing in ministry while my own soul hungered for fresh bread. The Word of God was still present in my life, but I was handling it primarily as a tool for teaching rather than as food for my soul.

There is a difference between studying Scripture for others and allowing it to minister to our own hearts. If we aren’t careful, we can fall into the trap of consuming God’s Word as mere information rather than life-giving truth. John Owen once wrote, “If the Word does not dwell with power in us, it will not pass with power from us.” If we aren’t first being fed, how can we offer nourishment to others? Just as a weary traveler needs food to continue the journey, so we need daily encounters with God’s truth to sustain us.

Fresh Encounters, Not Stale Crumbs

There’s something profoundly different about fresh bread. Its warmth, its aroma, its very presence is inviting and nourishing in a way that old, stale crumbs can never be. Likewise, our encounters with God’s Word should be fresh and alive, not something we only revisit when crisis strikes. The psalmist declares, “Oh, taste and see that the Lord is good! Blessed is the man who takes refuge in him!” (Psalm 34:8). This is an invitation to a dynamic, ongoing relationship with God, not just an occasional feast when we feel the need.

One of the greatest dangers of a life disconnected from daily Scripture is that we become increasingly susceptible to spiritual drift. Without realizing it, we begin making decisions based on worldly wisdom rather than the timeless truth of God. When trials come, we find ourselves ill-equipped to respond with faith and endurance because we haven’t been fortified by his Word. The antidote is simple but requires commitment: we must develop the habit of daily feeding on the Bread of Life.

A Call to the Table

So, what does this mean practically? It means setting aside time each day to open the Scriptures, not out of mere obligation, but out of a desire to meet with God. It means slowing down long enough to meditate on his truth, allowing it to penetrate not just our minds but our hearts. It means recognizing that in our fast-paced, distracted world, this isn’t a luxury – it’s a necessity. We’re invited daily to the table, where Christ himself is our portion. Will we come?

I invite you to join me in this journey of Fresh Bread for Today. As I spend time in God’s Word, I’ll share what he impresses upon my heart – not as a replacement for your own study, but as an encouragement for your walk. If a day passes without a new devotional, it may mean that I, too, am in need of fresh bread and have taken time to be fed. But together, we’ll pursue the daily nourishment that only God can provide. Let’s feast on his Word and be satisfied.

Questions for Personal Reflection

  1. Have you ever found yourself relying on past spiritual experiences rather than daily engagement with God’s Word? What was the result?
  2. How can you make time in Scripture a non-negotiable part of your day?
  3. What does it mean for Jesus to be the “bread of life” in your daily walk with him?

Walking Points

  • Set a dedicated time each day to engage with Scripture – not as a task, but as a meeting with the living God.
  • Find a friend or small group with whom you can share fresh insights from your Bible reading, encouraging one another to stay nourished in the faith.

Thank you for joining me for this new weekly contribution to the Walking Points column. If it has encouraged you, please share it with others. For many more devotionals, Bible studies, videos, and other resources, please visit Walking Points. May God bless, encourage, and strengthen you in your daily walk with our Lord.

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