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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Boaz: Biblical Virtue in Action

Dale Tedder


The story of Boaz, as told in the Book of Ruth, is a moving example of godly leadership, integrity, and compassion. Boaz, a wealthy landowner in Bethlehem during the time of the judges, demonstrated remarkable character and righteousness in his interactions with Ruth, a Moabite widow. His actions not only provided for Ruth and her mother-in-law, Naomi, but also positioned him as an ancestor of our Lord, Jesus Christ, a true testament of God’s providential hand at work. This lesson explores Boaz’s character, providing insights for men who are seeking to live more faithfully for Christ in every sphere of their lives.

Boaz’s Character Virtues

Boaz’s kindness is evident in his treatment of Ruth. Despite her foreign status, he ensured her safety and provided abundantly for her needs (Ruth 2:8-9, 14-16). This reflects the biblical principle of loving your neighbor as yourself (Mark 12:31). Boaz demonstrated integrity by respecting Ruth’s dignity and following the proper procedures to redeem her and Naomi’s land (Ruth 3:11-13; 4:1-10). His actions were aligned with God’s character, and thus also aligned with the law and customs of his time, reflecting a deep commitment to righteousness (Psalm 15:2).

By allowing Ruth to glean in his fields and ensuring her protection, Boaz showed a heart of compassion and a desire to shield the vulnerable (Ruth 2:8-9). This show’s his obedience to God’s command to care for the foreigner, the fatherless, and the widow (Deuteronomy 10:18). Boaz took his responsibility seriously, both in providing for Ruth and in securing her future through marriage. He acted decisively and honorably, fulfilling his role as a kinsman-redeemer (Ruth 4:9-10). A kinsman-redeemer was a close relative who had specific familial responsibilities in ancient Israelite society. This role included the duty to redeem or buy back property that a relative had sold due to poverty, to ensure that the inheritance remained within the family. Additionally, the kinsman-redeemer could marry the widow of a deceased relative to produce offspring in his name, thus preserving the family line and providing for the widow. This showcases Boaz putting into practice the biblical value of faithfulness in fulfilling one’s duties (1 Corinthians 4:2).

Boaz treated Ruth with great respect and humility, even though he was a man of standing among his people and she was a poor foreigner (Ruth 2:10-13). This humility is a mark of true leadership, as Jesus taught that the greatest among us should be the servant of all (Matthew 20:26-28). Boaz’s actions were pleasing to God because they reflected God’s own character and commands. He showed mercy, justice, and love in tangible ways, mirroring God’s care for the marginalized. Boaz’s adherence to the law and his willingness to go beyond the minimum requirements demonstrated a heart aligned with God’s will.

Key Principles

1. Just as Boaz provided for Ruth, godly men should seek to meet the needs of those under their care, reflecting Christ’s love and generosity.

2. Boaz’s commitment to doing what is right, even when it required personal sacrifice, is a model for Christian leaders to act with integrity and moral clarity in all situations.

3. Respecting and valuing all people, regardless of their status, is essential for Christians. Boaz’s humility in his interactions with Ruth serves as a powerful example.

Bible Study Questions

1. What does Ruth 2:8-9 reveal about Boaz’s character and his treatment of Ruth?

2. How did Boaz ensure Ruth’s safety and provide for her needs (Ruth 2:14-16)?

3. What legal and social customs did Boaz observe in his interaction with Ruth (Ruth 3:11-13)?

4. How did Boaz demonstrate integrity in his dealings with the nearer kinsman (Ruth 4:1-10)?

5. In what ways did Boaz reflect God’s care for the vulnerable (Deuteronomy 10:18)?

6. How did Boaz’s actions towards Ruth impact her life and future (Ruth 4:13-17)?

7. What qualities of Boaz’s leadership can be seen in his response to Ruth’s approach on the threshing floor (Ruth 3:9-13)?

8. How does Boaz’s respect for Ruth highlight his humility (Ruth 2:10-13)?

9. What lessons can we learn from Boaz’s willingness to redeem Ruth and Naomi’s land (Ruth 4:9-10)?

10. How did Boaz’s faithfulness in fulfilling his duties as a kinsman-redeemer reflect biblical values (1 Corinthians 4:2)?

11. What does Boaz’s story teach us about God’s providence and provision (Ruth 4:13-17)?

Questions for Discussion and Personal Reflection

1. How can you show greater kindness and generosity in your daily interactions with others, whether you know them well or they are complete strangers to you?

2. In what areas of your life do you need to uphold greater integrity? What are some practical ways you can begin doing so?

3. Who are those in your community you would consider vulnerable? How can you better protect and provide for them?

4. What steps can you take to demonstrate humility and respect towards others? What is one example of each?

5. How does Boaz’s example challenge you to be a more faithful and responsible leader – in your home, your workplace, your church, your community?

6. What would serving someone as a kinsman-redeemer, in principle, look like in our day?

7. How can you reflect God’s love and justice in your leadership roles?

8. In what ways can you grow in obedience and conformity to God’s commands and character?

9. How can you ensure your actions are pleasing to God in all aspects of your life?

Action Steps

1. Set aside a portion of your income or resources to help those in need in your community.

2. Make a conscious effort to be honest and transparent in all your dealings, both personally and professionally.

3. Volunteer with organizations that support the vulnerable, such as shelters, or food banks.

4. Seek opportunities to serve others in your daily life, putting their needs above your own (Philippians 2:3-5). If they ask you why you are doing so, that moment can also turn into an evangelistic opportunity.

Closing Prayer

Gracious God of mercy and compassion, we thank you for the example of Boaz and his godly character. Help us to embody his virtues of kindness, integrity, compassion, faithfulness, and humility. We want to reflect his character in these areas because in so doing, we are imitating our Lord, Jesus Christ. May we lead in a way that reflects your love and justice, being generous and protective of those in need. Strengthen us to live lives that are pleasing to you, upholding your commands and reflecting your character in all we do. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Thank you for joining me today as we continue our devotional study of Profiles in Godly Manhood! If it has blessed you, please share it with someone in your church or community. For more resources, devotionals, and studies, visit Walking Points. May God empower and direct you as you pursue Christlike virtue in your life.

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