Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Advent Prayers

Dale Tedder

This Advent season I am writing a prayer each day, based on the Scripture for that particular day.

Included with these Scripture-based prayers are three “intercessory prayer prompts” for you to personalize your prayer. I’m also including my usual “Walking Points” questions and next steps for you to apply the truth of the Scripture in your own life. Let these prayers be tools to enrich the creativity of your own prayer life. May the Lord richly bless you this Advent season as we prepare for our coming King. (You can check out all the Advent prayers by clicking here.)

Advent: Day 4

Read John 18:33-37  

King Jesus, I worship, love, and follow you. You are not only a king, or the king, but you are my King. Others talk about you. They claim you are only a good teacher, prophet, moralist, or political revolutionary. But you are vastly more than this. You are God in the flesh. You are Savior. You are Lord. You are the King of kings.  

Your kingdom does not fall neatly into the categories the world prefers. You do not rule by political coercion and military might. Your kingdom impacts the temporal, but from an eternal perspective. Yours is a kingdom of light which brings new birth; it changes hearts, renews minds, transforms lives – it saves souls.  

Yours is a kingdom of truth. Indeed, you came into this world to bear witness to the truth. You are Truth. Everyone on the right side of truth listens to you. All who are on the side of truth follow and obey you.   

Lord, please forgive me for those times when I have been intimidated by the official and unofficial power structures of the world and have not stood firm for you and your truth. Forgive me when I have not followed your truth because I have desired to please the world more than you. Forgive me, purify me from all unrighteousness, and renew a right spirit within me.  

Fill me with your Spirit so I can truly think, speak, and act – live – as your faithful follower in this world. I too want to bear testimony to you who are the way, the truth, and the life. Please fill me with your Spirit of truth and give me the courage and boldness I need to represent you in this world as your disciple. O God…  

  • I pray for those brothers and sisters in Christ who are being persecuted through political and military coercion. Give them strength to persevere. Let them know you are right there with them in their times of trial.
  • I pray for those who are being tempted by peer pressure to compromise your truth because it’s unpopular in our culture.
  • I pray that your church would stand firm for the truth of your Word in a world which is hostile to the righteousness you desire.

  In the name of Jesus who is the truth, I pray, Amen.  

Walking Points  

  • What is an area of your life, as a Christian, you have been tempted to compromise because of outside pressure? Why do you think it is hard for you to stand firm in that particular area?
  • What are some things you can do to help you remain faithful in that area? Who are some people you can talk to about the situation to gain godly wisdom as well as their prayers?
  • Who is someone you know and care about who is struggling to remain faithful to the truth of Jesus Christ? Pray for them right now and then contact them to encourage them. Be available to be used of God in any way they may need.

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