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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Act Like Men

Dale Tedder

Dear Brothers,

Thank you for joining me today as we reflect on a verse that speaks directly to the heart of biblical masculinity. In 1 Corinthians 16:13, the Apostle Paul gives a charge that every man should take to heart:

Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong.

In just a few short words, Paul lays out a powerful vision of Christian manhood – one marked by vigilance, steadfastness, courage, and strength. In a world that often distorts masculinity – either by turning it into reckless aggression or stripping it of any sense of responsibility – Paul’s words call us back to something deeper, something truer.

Today, we’ll explore what it means to “act like men” according to Scripture. This isn’t a call to cultural stereotypes but to the maturity, integrity, and godly leadership that define true biblical manhood.

Be Watchful

Paul begins with a charge to “be watchful.” This is a military term, calling men to stay alert, be on guard, and protect what has been entrusted to them. Throughout Scripture, we see the importance of spiritual vigilance:

  • Jesus warned his disciples, “Watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation” (Matthew 26:41).
  • Peter exhorted believers, “Be sober-minded; be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour” (1 Peter 5:8).

A godly man doesn’t drift through life unaware of the spiritual dangers around him. He keeps watch over his heart, his home, and his habits. He’s aware of the subtle compromises that lead to sin, the cultural lies that distort truth, and the enemy’s schemes to undermine his faith.

What does this look like in daily life? It means keeping a close eye on your spiritual health, guarding your family against ungodly influences, and being intentional about your walk with Christ. It means leading with wisdom, not passivity – protecting rather than reacting.

Stand Firm in the Faith

Next, Paul calls us to “stand firm in the faith.” In an age of moral confusion and shifting cultural values, this charge is more relevant than ever.

To stand firm means:

  • Not compromising on biblical truth when pressured to conform.
  • Holding fast to God’s promises when life feels uncertain.
  • Remaining faithful to Christ even when (especially when) trials and temptations arise.

J.C. Ryle once wrote, “A true Christian is like a soldier, who must stand firm in the battle, not yielding an inch.” Today, many men are tempted to back down in the face of cultural opposition. The world calls us to be “open-minded” about things God has clearly spoken against, to value comfort over conviction. But Scripture warns, “If you do not stand firm in your faith, you will not stand at all” (Isaiah 7:9).

Brothers, we must plant our feet firmly on God’s Word, knowing that truth is not determined by cultural trends but by the unchanging character of God.

Act Like Men

The phrase “act like men” is a rare and powerful command. It means to be courageous, to conduct oneself with bravery and honor. This is the kind of manhood we see throughout Scripture:

  • Joshua was called to courage: “Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” (Joshua 1:9).
  • David exhorted Solomon: “Be strong, and show yourself a man” (1 Kings 2:2).
  • Paul tells Timothy: “For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control” (2 Timothy 1:7).

But notice that biblical courage is never about pride, aggression, or self-reliance. True courage comes from trusting in God.

Sadly, our culture often swings between two extremes:

  1. A distorted, domineering masculinity that seeks power and control.
  2. A passive, shrinking masculinity that avoids responsibility.

Both are unbiblical. A godly man is neither a bully nor a coward. He leads, but he does so with humility. He’s strong, but his strength is for service.

Be Strong

Finally, Paul commands, “Be strong.” But strength in the Christian life isn’t about physical power – it’s about spiritual endurance.

  • Ephesians 6:10 says, “Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might.”
  • Isaiah 40:31 reminds us, “They who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength.”

Strength is not about self-sufficiency – it’s about depending on God. The strongest men are those who know their need for the Lord, who seek him in prayer, and who rely on his grace in their weakness.

John Owen once wrote, “He who walks humbly, walks safely.” True strength is found in humility before God. A real man knows when to fight, but he also knows when to kneel.

A Principle to Live By

Paul’s four commands – be watchful, stand firm, act like men, and be strong – paint a picture of a godly man. But in the very next verse, Paul completes the thought:

Let all that you do be done in love. (1 Corinthians 16:14)

Strength without love is tyranny. Conviction without grace is arrogance. Courage without humility is recklessness.

The true measure of a man isn’t how much power he has but how well he loves. Jesus, the ultimate example of manhood, showed us this when he laid down his life for others. The strongest men are those who serve, protect, and sacrifice.

Questions for Personal Reflection

  1. Am I being spiritually vigilant, or am I drifting in my faith and responsibilities?
  2. Where in my life do I need to stand firm in truth, even if it costs me?
  3. Am I leading with courage and humility, or am I avoiding responsibility?
  4. Do I rely on my own strength, or am I daily seeking strength from the Lord?
  5. Is my strength marked by love and service, or by pride and control?

Action Steps

  1. Whether it’s in your workplace, your home, or your personal walk with God, commit to holding fast to biblical truth.
  2. Leading family devotions, making a hard decision at work, or mentoring a younger man – all these are ways to step into godly manhood.
  3. Build the habit of daily prayer, Scripture meditation, and accountability with other godly men. Strength is built through daily choices.

A Final Word

Brothers, biblical manhood is a high calling, but it’s also a great privilege. We’re called to watch, stand firm, lead with courage, and walk in strength – always in love. The world needs men who will stand for truth, protect the vulnerable, and lead with wisdom. Will you answer the call?

Your brother in Christ,
Pastor Dale

Thanks for joining me today. My hope is that you were encouraged and challenged by this reflection. If this spoke to you, share it with another brother in Christ who may need it. And remember, more devotionals, Bible studies, and resources are available – click here to explore Walking Points.

Stay strong in the faith, and may the Lord shape us into the men he’s called us to be.

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