Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Zechariah 7:8-12a

John Nunnikhoven

And the word of the LORD came to Zechariah, saying, “Thus says the LORD of hosts, Render true judgments, show kindness and mercy to one another, do not oppress the widow, the fatherless, the sojourner, or the poor, and let none of you devise evil against another in your heart.” But they refused to pay attention and turned a stubborn shoulder and stopped their ears that they might not hear. They made their hearts diamond-hard lest they should hear the law and the words that the LORD of hosts had sent by his Spirit through the former prophets.

How interesting. There is a guiding principle in the Fellowship of Ailbe, our personal mission field, which helps us define our walk as disciples of Jesus Christ. Recently, our weekly meetings have been devoted to discussing our PMF and its application to the world in which we live.

What we have here is a very succinct summary of many who fit within the boundaries of our PMFs. Not entirely, for example, Christ ministered to the rich, but they were not always in tune with His suggestions. Part of what we do have is a short reference to those who refuse to heed His words and rely instead upon their own wisdom. An apt description of the majority of Christendom today.

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Morning Psalm 3, Noon Psalm 119:25-32, Evening Psalm 84, If you follow this regimen, you will pray through the Psalms every 47 days or just under 8 times per year.

An alternate Reading Plan is based on 7 chapters/day from 7 sections of the Scriptures. My groupings are: Genesis-Joshua, Judges to Esther, Job to Song of Solomon, Psalms breaking 119 into convenient sets, Isaiah to Malachi, Matthew to Acts, Romans to Revelation. This plan, over a several year period will result in an average reading of the entire Bible in slightly over twice per year. I’ve been following this plan since 1989 and still find the mixture of Scriptures presented each day to be a delightful way to end my day. The NLB app has a scheduling tool that assists greatly in keeping track of the reading list.

Or set your own reading schedule up in convenient groupings as fits your study habits. But a daily time in the Word of the LORD is an absolute.

Suggested Supplementary Reading

The Christian’s Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith by Dr. Stanley D. Gale. There is also a workbook available.

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