The Fellowship of Ailbe is a Brotherhood of men, bonded together by a common Rule and Covenant, who are committed to realizing more of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
We are not a “Celtic” order or fellowship; rather, our vision, values, and ministry are informed and shaped in many ways by the example and teaching of Irish Christians who, between the fifth and ninth centuries, were used of God to bring a far-ranging revival and awakening to traditional Celtic lands, as well as to much of Europe.
We are committed to seeking Christ and His Kingdom, and to encouraging and equipping believers in all communions for a closer and more fruitful walk with Him.
The Fellowship provides an abundance of resources for Christian growth and ministry. These include:
We offer our resources at no charge, trusting the Lord to use them bountifully and to provide for us the same.
The Fellowship of Ailbe - Moving Forward
We serve a large and growing community of readers, students, mentees, and collaborators who share our vision for greater realization of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Browse through our navigation menu and learn about the many opportunities available for growing in Christ and becoming better equipped to serve Him. Visit our FAQs below for more information about The Fellowship, or contact us with your questions.
For a closer look at our unique perspective, priorities, and program, and to learn how you can benefit from the resources of The Fellowship of Ailbe, watch the brief video above.
Welcome to The Ailbe Community of The Fellowship of Ailbe.

And please download our Morning and Evening Reader, Give Him No Rest. Here, using quotes from Scripture, readings from Jonathan Edwards, and brief meditations, you’ll discover ways your prayer life can be strengthened and enriched.
Meet the Ailbe Contributors
David Timbie
Frequently Asked Questions
The Members of The Fellowship serve the larger Christian community by sponsoring online meetings to pray for revival, through teaching and mentoring, and by a wide variety of resources for Christian growth and ministry.
The Ailbe Community are those readers, students, and friends who journey with the Brothers of The Fellowship in seeking greater realization of the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God. To join The Ailbe Community, simply register for our many teaching letters by going here. You will receive the teaching letters you choose according to the mailing schedule for each one.
The Fellowship does not charge for services – downloads, teaching, mentoring, online courses, and so forth. We ask people to pay for books ordered from our online bookstore, and we depend on the Lord to move the hearts of those we serve – Members of The Ailbe Community – to share with us from the resources He has provided for them.
The Brothers are men who have completed an orientation process, committed to the Ailbe Covenant and Rule of Discipline, and are working together to further the mission of The Fellowship as outlined here and on the About Ailbe page.
While it can be, most of our Brothers are actively engaged in ministry in local churches or other kinds of Christian ministry.
The Board and Members of The Fellowship subscribe the historic doctrinal confessions of the Church, as these are represented in and consistent with The Nicene Creed.
We look to the period of the Celtic Revival (ca. 430-800 AD) for insights, examples, and encouragement in our mission. The emphasis on Christ and the work of revival, renewal, and awakening that characterized this period provides many touchstones for our Brothers and Community as we pursue our mission together.
We believe that a great need in the Church today is for men of vision, spiritual vitality, and long-term commitment. The special focus of our ministry is on reaching, building, and equipping men for life and service in the Kingdom of God. While our Brotherhood is restricted to men, and our revival prayer groups are organized for men, we are happy for men and women alike to participate in The Ailbe Community and use any or our resources.
The Fellowship of Ailbe is governed by a Board of Overseers, some of whom are also Brothers in The Fellowship, and all of whom actively participate in various aspects of the ministry of The Fellowship. The Board of Overseers meets twice a year to review the work of the ministry and to advise the Principal and Brothers on prospective projects and opportunities.