Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Key to Our Success

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

It all depends on where we're looking.

Hebrews 2 (4)

Restoring creation and everything in it to its upright and proper condition before the Lord can seem like a difficult challenge. But it’s what God intended from the beginning, and He hasn’t changed His mind. What does that even look like? Where do we begin? How do we keep going on such important work? It’s easier than you might think.

Read Genesis 1.26-31.

Read Hebrews 2.8, 9.

Think it through.
1.  I want to review only the last phrase in verse 8: “But now we do not yet see all things put under him.” What was the writer of Hebrews saying about his own times? Do we see any improvement since his day? That is, have God’s people made any progress in bringing more of His goodness and uprightness to the world since the first century (Gen. 1.31; Eccl. 7.29)? Give some examples. Can we still say the same thing the writer did? What are the greatest obstacles facing us as we continue this important duty of subjecting creation and everything in it to the rule of King Jesus?

2.  OK, so we’re not there yet. “But…” (v. 9). But what? How should we understand this? What does it mean to “see Jesus”? Verse 9 mentions four aspects of Jesus’ work that we should look to and consider. What is suggested by each of the following phrases?

  – “made a little lower than the angels”

  – “the suffering of death”

  – “crowned with glory and honor”

  – “taste death for everyone”

How do you “see Jesus” in each of these important ways? Should this be the primary focus of corporate worship? Of your daily devotions? Explain. How would seeing Jesus more clearly and more consistently affect your work of restoring your world to God? 

“The man Jesus was like all humans and differed in no way from those whose nature he shares, save that to him a grace was given. The grace that was given does not change his nature. But after death was destroyed, ‘God gave him the name which is above every name.’ The one who gave is God. The one to whom it was given is the man Jesus Christ, the first fruits of those who are raised. For he is the ‘firstborn from the dead.’ Therefore, he ascended and sits at the right hand of the Father and is above all.” Theodore of Mopsuestia (350-428 AD)

If then you were raised with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God. Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth. For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God. Colossians 3.1-3

Lord Jesus, when I contemplate Your beauty and goodness, Your self-sacrifice, Your exaltation in glory, and all You have done for me, I want to…

Pray Psalm 8.
Pray for a clearer vision of what can happen in you and through you as you set your mind on Christ and take up your work of ruling all things in your life for His glory.

Psalm 8.1-9 (Aurelia: The Church’s One Foundation)
O Savior, how majestic, Your Name in all the earth!
The heav’ns display Your glory, and tell Your wondrous worth! 
From babes and nursing infants, Lord, let Your strength increase, 
Till all Your foes surrender, and all their boasting cease. 

When I regard Your heavens, Your handiwork above, 
Ordained by Your good pleasure, according to Your love, 
Then what am I, O Savior, that You take thought of me? 
Or I should know Your favor and thus delivered be? 

Yet we in Your own image with glory have been crowned, 
To worship and to serve You throughout creation ‘round. 
These works that sing Your glory in our poor hands are placed, 
That we may rule before You to magnify Your grace. 

Let every beast and creature, in sky or sea or field, 
In our hands bring You glory as we Your favor wield. 
Let all things sing Your praises, let all declare Your worth! 
O Savior, how majestic, Your Name in all the earth!

T. M Moore

For a better understanding of the book of Hebrews, and all the books of the Bible, order a copy of the workbook, God’s Covenant, from our online store. The studies in this workbook will show you how the parts of the Bible connect with one another to tell the story of God’s redemption and glory (click here). To learn more about Christ in His exaltation, order the book, The Kingship of Jesus (click here).

Men, God is calling you to pray, lest He come in judgment against His Church. Watch this brief video, then seek the Lord about joining our Men at Prayer movement.

Please prayerfully consider sharing with The Fellowship of Ailbe through your giving. You can contribute to The Fellowship by clicking the Contribute buttonat the website or by sending your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452.

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All psalms for singing adapted from The Ailbe Psalter. All quotations from Church Fathers from Ancient Christian Commentary Series, General Editor Thomas C. Oden (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006.

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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe