Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Suddenly – then and there, here and now!

Acts (1)

Be sure to view the video introducing our study of Acts by clicking here.

Read and meditate on Acts 1.6-8.
See that word, “restore” (v. 6)? The answer to that question, while not given here, is the story of the book of Acts: “No!” and “Yes!” One of the great themes of Scripture is that of Restoration, of God returning His people to Himself, so that they can enjoy all the benefits of the blessed life of His presence and glory. It makes sense that the disciples would ask about the Kingdom, since Jesus had been plying them with instruction on the subject for forty days. They were primed. They were ready. But, no, they weren’t.

For reflection
1.  The disciples asked about the Old Testament kingdom of David, and no, that was not coming. The Kingdom of David’s greater Son was coming, but they weren’t quite ready. They had to wait. And then power would come. Meditate on 2 Samuel 7.12-16. How did God teach David to think about his kingdom, and the Kingdom that would come after him?

2.  The unseen realm of infinite spiritual power was about to be fused with the temporal domain of men and things, and all heaven would break loose on earth, spreading from Jerusalem to the farthest parts through the experience of Restoration borne witness to in the words and deeds of the first believers. Like a nuclear explosion which, when disparate atoms are fused, releases an incredible amount of power; so it is when the Spirit of God comes from the unseen, eternal realm to inhabit the lives of men and women visible in communities and cultures – well, you know. In what ways do you experience this fusion of the eternal Spirit into your daily life?

3.  “It is not for you to know.” Let’s say that again, shall we? “It is not for you to know.” The specific details of the when of the Kingdom’s coming are not within the scope of our portfolio. How is it possible to act on something so portentous as the promises of God, without knowing everything we need to know in advance?

4.  The details of when are not always revealed to us. However, what we should be seeking is abundantly clear (the Kingdom and Restoration to the Lord), as well as how we should seek it (be witnesses). What does it mean to seek the Kingdom of God (Matt. 6.33)? What’s the difference between being a witness and doing evangelism?

5.  How large do the ideas of the Kingdom of God and Restoration feature in your daily walk with and work for the Lord?

Jesus filled His apostles with a vision of the Kingdom and promises of God. They were eager for it, but they still lacked the most important component – the Spirit of God. We can neither enter, know, experience, nor seek the Kingdom apart from the Spirit of God. He is the power for God’s new Kingdom to replace our old ways of sin and death with His new ways of light and life. Are you seeking this Kingdom as earnestly and continuously as you should? Explain.

Closing Prayer
LORD, remember David
And all his afflictions;
How he swore to the LORD,
And vowed to the Mighty One of Jacob:
“Surely I will not go into the chamber of my house,
Or go up to the comfort of my bed;
I will not give sleep to my eyes
Or slumber to my eyelids,
Until I find a place for the LORD,
A dwelling place for the Mighty One of Jacob.”
Behold, we heard of it in Ephrathah;
We found it in the fields of the woods.
Let us go into His tabernacle;
Let us worship at His footstool.
Arise, O LORD, to Your resting place,
You and the ark of Your strength.
Let Your priests be clothed with righteousness,
And let Your saints shout for joy.
For Your servant David’s sake,
Do not turn away the face of Your Anointed.
The LORD has sworn in truth to David;
He will not turn from it:
“I will set upon your throne the fruit of your body.
If your sons will keep My covenant
And My testimony which I shall teach them,
Their sons also shall sit upon your throne forevermore.”

Psalm 132.1-12

T. M. Moore

Each week’s studies in Acts are bound together into a free PDF that you can download for personal or group use (click here). Each week also features a video related to the studies of the week, which you may find helpful as you work through our studies Acts.

Acts is the record of Christ’s ongoing work as King and Lord. For more insight to His work in our here and now, order the book, The Kingship of Jesus, from our online store by clicking here.

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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe