Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Christ Who is Able

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Jesus has the power you need. 1 Timothy 1.12, 13

The Pastoral Epistles: 1 Timothy 1 (4)

Pray 116.12-14.
What shall I render to the LORD
Forall His benefits toward me?
I will take up the cup of salvation,
And call upon the name of the LORD.
I will pay my vows to the LORD
Now in the presence of all His people.

Read and meditate on 1 Timothy 1.12, 13.

1. For what did Christ enable Paul? For what does He enable you?

2. How had the Lord changed Paul? How has He changed you? 

Paul says that Christ “enabled” (literally, “empowered”) him. But for what? To fulfill the calling He had commanded him (v. 1), the “ministry” he carried out all those years. God intends for all who believe in Him to be equipped with love for the work of ministry in their own Personal Mission Field (cf. Eph. 4.11, 12; 2 Cor. 10.13-18; Matt. 28.18-20). But that’s not going to happen until we first identify the field to which the Lord sends us each day (Jn. 20.21), and go there, in faith and obedience, with the intention of making disciples. The Lord will enable us just as He enabled Paul, and we can fulfill our appointed calling in His power and for His glory.

You may say, “I could never do that. I’m just not up to it. I haven’t been a good disciple.” Paul could have said the same (v. 13). But he knew he had been called, and he looked to the Lord for the power to do the work appointed for him. The Lord was faithful to His promise (1 Thess. 5.24), and Paul’s amazing ministry was the result. 

The question is not whether God will be faithful to empower us to do what He commands. The question is whether we will be faithful – as Paul was (v. 12) – to put our past behind us, prepare each day for the Lord’s calling, and go in obedience to His Word, to show the love of Christ to all the people we meet.

Every day, God will put you into places where you can fulfill your ministry (v. 12). And he will empower you as you believe and obey Him (v. 13). Don’t let past failings or reluctances keep you from knowing the power of the Lord for serving others with His love! If you miss this, you’ll miss the whole of what salvation is about.

1. What are the obstacles you need to overcome each day, so that you go into your ministry ready to show the love of Christ to others?

2. How can you prepare more faithfully each day to carry out the ministry the Lord has commanded?

3. How can believers encourage one another to be more faithful to God in their callings?

He now introduces the mention of another act of the kindness of Christ, that he strengthened him, or "made him powerful." By this expression he does not only mean that he was at first formed" by the hand of God, so as to be well qualified for his office, but he likewise includes the continued bestowal of grace. For it would not have been enough that he was once declared to be faithful, if Christ had not strengthened him by the uninterrupted communication of aid. John Calvin (1509-1564), Commentary on 1 Timothy 1.12

Lord, I need Your power to be at work in me today. I know You will be faithful. Help me to be faithful as I…

Pray Psalm 116.10-19.
What will you render to the Lord today, for all His kindness to you? How will you be refreshed by the cup of salvation today?

Sing Psalm 116.10-19.
Psalm 116.10-19 (Mit Freuden Zart: All Praise to God Who Reigns Above)
Afflicted, I believe His Word, though lying men would undo me.
What shall I render to the Lord for all His blessings to me?
Salvation’s cup I lift above and call upon the God of love,
and pay my vows most truly.

How sweet to Him when saints depart – save me, Your servant, Savior!
From sin You loosed my wand’ring heart; I praise Your Name forever!
On You I call, my vows to pay; here in Your presence I would stay
Your praise to offer ever.

T. M. Moore

Whatever our calling in life, we are sent to bring the joy of Christ to the people around us. Our book, Joy to Your World!, can show you how to fill your Personal Mission Field with more of the Presence, promise, and power of Christ and His Kingdom. Order your copy, as a supplement to our study of 1 Timothy, by clicking here.

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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All psalms for singing adapted from The Ailbe Psalter. All quotations from Church Fathers from Ancient Christian Commentary Series, General Editor Thomas C. Oden (Downers Grove: InterVarsity Press, 2006).All psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter (available by clicking here).

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