Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Cheating Judges

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

They had them then, we have them now. Colossians 2.16-19

Walking in Christ: Colossians 2 (5)

Opening Prayer: Psalm 71.14-16
But I will hope continually,
And will praise You yet more and more.
My mouth shall tell of Your righteousness
And Your salvation all the day,
For I do not know their limits.
I will go in the strength of the Lord GOD;
I will make mention of Your righteousness, of Yours only.

Sing Psalm 71.14-16, 3
(Solid Rock: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less)
But as for me my voice I raise to sing in hope and constant praise!
With saving grace my voice will swell Your never-ending grace to tell.
Refrain, v. 3
A Rock of habitation be; command Your Word to rescue me;
my Rock and Fortress ever be!

Read Colossians 2.16-19

1. What things are “a shadow of things to come”?

2. To what should faithful saints “hold fast”?

It appears that the Colossian Christians were being pressured to conform to certain outward behaviors relating to foods and feast days, or to the adoration of angels (vv. 16, 18). This pressure may have been coming from Judaizers, who claimed to believe in Jesus but insisted on continuing to practice Old Testament laws relating to the work of the priests and the altar, or “super-apostles” (2 Cor. 11.4-6 ESV) who boasted of spiritual insights beyond what the Scriptures allow.

These false teachers seemed to show up in many places when Paul was not present, and they were judging people as not saved who did not go along with their teaching (v. 16). Those who did go along with them were being cheated of the substance of faith by clinging to the shadows of it (v. 17). That is, the Judaizers were pressuring them to keep up certain old practices which, with the coming of Jesus as the final sacrifice and High Priest (Heb. 7-9), were no longer valid. “You’re not really a Christian,” these Judaizers insisted, “unless you keep up these dietary laws, feast days, and so forth.” And certain of them may have been insisting that the truly spiritual Christian could see into the unseen realm and thus was able to commune with and worship angels.

These false teachers had let go of Jesus for their pet teachings. The Colossians must not allow the Judaizers to judge or cheat them by drawing their focus and devotion away from Christ. He alone is their Unity and Strength (v. 19).

These days, false teachers are more subtle. They say things like, “You’re not really a Christian unless you believe this doctrine” or “Real Christians have all had this experience” or “Your faith is true if you view the Lord’s return like this.” Don’t let them judge or cheat you. Hold fast to Jesus.

Treasure Old and New: Matthew 13.52; Psalm 119.162
So let no one judge you about trivial matters pertaining to the faith, the “this-and-that” of the traditions of men, because they are just a shadow of things to come (v. 16). They are areas of darkness caused by light being blocked by them. And we don’t want that to happen in our minds, hearts, or lives!

We want the full light of Jesus to shine on us and we don’t want anything to block that light.
But if we are warned about this, it must be something that can easily happen.
Perhaps we start to care more about pleasing the pastor and the folks at church, than about pleasing Jesus.
Or we begin to focus on extra-curricular theological ideas that are not the substance of our salvation.
Maybe we even begin to care more about how all this is making us feel rather than living completely for God.

We must work diligently on growing in the Lord in the substance of His Word.
We must strive for faith because without that it is impossible to please God. For if we come to God, we must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. (Heb. 11.1, 6)

Robert Louis Stevenson puts this shadow in right perspective:
I have a little shadow that goes in and out with me,
And what can be the use of him is more than I can see.

As cute as the poem is, it conveys great meaning to me.

Let’s not let these shadows that go everywhere with us – traditions, doubts, food, drink, festivals, sabbaths, angel worship, egos, not holding fast to Jesus – block the light of Jesus because their usefulness, these shadows, is more than I can see.


1. What’s the difference between the “shadow” of truth and the “substance” of truth?  

2. Why is it so easy for us to be distracted from the substance to the shadow of truth? How can we guard against this?

3. How would you counsel a new believer to grow in the Lord and the substance of His Word?

Do you see how he depreciates what the Colossians think important? If you have obtained such things [i.e., grace and wisdom through Christ], Paul asks, why make yourself accountable for these petty matters? And he makes light of them.… Don’t put up with those who judge you in these trivial considerations. John Chrysostom (344-407), Homilies on Colossians 7

Let me not become entangled in outward forms of false faith, Lord, but help me always instead to…

Closing Prayer: Psalm 71.17-24
Consider the day ahead, and any temptations you might face. Call on the Lord for His Presence and strength to enable you to hold fast to Him in all things.

Sing Psalm 71.17-24, 3
(Solid Rock: My Hope Is Built on Nothing Less)
O Lord, I praise Your righteousness Who me from youth have taught and blessed.
Forsake me not when I am old, ‘til I Your mercies all have told!
Refrain, v. 3
A Rock of habitation be; command Your Word to rescue me;
my Rock and Fortress ever be!

Your righteous deeds are great and true. O God, there is no one like You!
Though many troubles I have seen, You will revive my soul again!

Increase my greatness, comfort me, and unto You shall praises be.
Your truth I will exalt full well, O Holy One of Israel!

My lips with joy and praises ring; to You, Redeemer, praise I bring!
I praise Your goodness all day long; Lord, humble all who do me wrong.

T. M. and Susie Moore

You can listen to last week’s summary of our study in Colossians by clicking here.

Restoring All Things

For a more thorough study of Christ’s work of restoration, download the five installments in our ReVision series, “Restoring the Reconciled World,” by clicking here.

Such a Great Salvation!
Want to learn more about the greatness of our salvation? Order your free copy of our book, Such a Great Salvation, by clicking here.

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Except as indicated, all Scripture are taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. For sources of all quotations, see the weekly PDF of this study. All psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter (Williston: Waxed Tablet Publications, 2006), available by clicking here.


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T.M. Moore
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