Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

…and Here’s Why

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

1 Peter 2.10

10 …who once were not a people but are now the people of God, who had not obtained mercy but now have obtained mercy.

The Story: Peter paints a lofty vision of how we as believers should think about ourselves and our lives in the world. At the same time, he wants us to remember that none of this is because of anything inherent in or attributable to us. We were “not a people” when God came seeking us. We were as lost as those people who now despise and scorn us. We lived in the same way they do – though now we are learning to lay those old ways aside – and we drank of the same diversions as our unbelieving neighbors – though now we are drinking the pure milk of the Word. Then we obtained mercy. Mercy was granted to us, not earned, and our sins were forgiven for Jesus sake. Grace gathered us up – sinful and foolish though we were – and catapulted us into the household of God. What God has done for us, He continues to do for others. He can do it even for those who mock and scorn us. And if He does, it will be through undeserving, grace-empowered people like you and me, living and proclaiming to the glory of God.

The Structure: Privilege before God is not the result of works, but of grace. Power to represent God in the world is not the result of natural endowments, but of grace. Strength to bear up with patient rejoicing in the midst of trials is not achieved by mere resolve, but through grace. The grace that saves nobodies and rebels like us can also sustain and shape and transform us into the holy people and royal priests Christ has saved us to be. Amazing grace!

How do you expect to see the grace of God working in your life today?

Each week’s studies in our Scriptorium column are available in a free PDF form, suitable for personal or group use. For this week’s study, “The Power of Grace: 1 Peter 2.1-12,” simply click here

.T. M. Moore

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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