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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
The Scriptorium
The saints of old focused on unseen things to come. So should we.
We look to the saints as examples of faith, and rightly so.
True faith consists of two facets.


June 24, 2018
Never draw back. Never lose focus. 
We have to push on through trials, keeping our eyes on Jesus.
God loves us too much to leave us in our sin.

Let Us

June 21, 2018
We need one another.
The offering of Jesus takes our sin away. Forever.

Sin Borne

June 19, 2018
Jesus doesn't cover sin; He takes it away.
The old system of sacrifice and priests could not take away sin.
Resting in Jesus, there's so much more to come.
Only Jesus brings us into the presence of God.
Why is blood so much a part of God's covenant?
Christ's sacrifice reaches to the soul.
The ancient tabernacle pointed to Jesus.

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