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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Stan Gale

Stanley D. Gale (MDiv Westminster, DMin Covenant) has pastored churches in Maryland and Pennsylvania for over 30 years. He is the author of several books, including A Vine-Ripened Life: Spiritual Fruitfulness through Abiding in Christ and The Christian’s Creed: Embracing the Apostolic Faith. He has been married to his wife, Linda, since 1975. They have four children and ten grandchildren. He lives in West Chester, Pa.
Books by Stan Gale

Four qualities set the tone for confronting others.

A Conduit Attitude

July 25, 2021

In Christ we find our sufficiency to handle whatever situation or whatever state we find ourselves. 

Baggage Welcome

July 18, 2021

How many times have you heard a pastor or leader invite you in to a service of worship with the words, “Leave all your cares at the door”?

My wife and I are taking care of our daughter’s dachshund while she is at the beach for a week with her family.

Religion Before God (2)

October 22, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

Religion Before God (1)

October 15, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

True Religion

October 08, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

Blessing in the Doing

October 01, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

Deceiving Ourselves

September 17, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

Doers of the Word

September 10, 2021

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

FAITH AT WORK: Devotions through the book of James

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