Peter describes us as “elect.”
“elect according to the foreknowledge of God the Father” (1 Pet. 1:2)
Many places where people gather have a lost and found bin. Someone will lose her sunglasses and go to the front desk where she will be directed to a motley collection of things found. She will make her way to the bin and begin to rummage through only to discover several items like the one she is searching for.
As pilgrims in this world we can seem like those lost items, looking just like the person beside us. But Peter begins on a note of reminder. We are not lost. We are claimed. We are known by our Heavenly Father and belong to Him.
Peter describes us as “elect.” We have been chosen by God. He set His love on us from before the foundation of the world and sent His Son to redeem us for His own possession. We are sealed with the Holy Spirit, a seal of belonging to God and inclusion in His family along with others.
It might seem that we are indistinguishable from others in the mass of humanity around us. But God knows those who are His. He will not lose us. He will not lose track of us.
Our status as elect relates to the foreknowledge of God. That’s a lot more secure than we might think it is. God did not look to the future to see actions we would take to come to Him. Rather, He set His love on us before the foundation of the world to belong to Him. He knew us like one would set his sights on adopting a particular child and taking the steps necessary to bring that child from hardship to home, given all the rights and expectations of an heir.
To the sojourner unsettled in this world and undergoing distress and even persecution those words are balm to the soul and ballast in the storm. We are known by God. He is our Father. The love He set upon us for His own glory will not waver or weaken, but will hold us fast.
REFLECTION: Throughout our days, God is our Father in heaven. Cry out to Him in your need.
Unless noted otherwise, Scripture quotations are from The Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.