Read Psalm 3
“But you, O LORD, are a shield about me, my glory, and the lifter of my head.” (Psalm 3:3, ESV)
Drawing Near
O LORD—how sweet that name is to my lips! You are the covenant-making, covenant-keeping God who named and claimed a people for your own possession, a people written in your book from eternity past. And to think that I am numbered among them leaves me stricken with awe and humility. Who am I that you should notice me? Who am I that you should take me under your wing. Praise be to you, my God, my glory, the lifter of my head. Even now as I pray, I know you hear me. I know you are responsive to my cries as your child. Every day I awake to be with you, each morning a testimony to your sustaining grace in the days you have ordained for me. You nurture me with the promise of strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow, whatever the day at hand or the day ahead may hold. My cries for your salvation extend beyond the perils of the day and lead me to your side in the glory to come, all because of your love for me in Jesus. Renew me in your love.
Reaching Out
O God, in whom alone salvation is found, you are the true and living God. I pray that as by your grace you have brought me to know you as my God, so you would be merciful to those I am praying for. Rescue them from the hand of the oppressor and bring them to know the Son of your love. Pour out your blessings upon them, blessings bound up in Jesus Christ—the way, the truth, the life. Grant me opportunity to tell them of your salvation. Give me words to say that point them to your Rock of refuge.
Enemy Profile
Mighty God, help be to be strong in the Lord and in the strength of his might. May I flee to you for sustenance in your truth against the assaults of this present age that deny you and defame you. Keep me from discouragement of living in a world that rejects and reviles you. May I keep my eyes on Jesus as I press on, knowing him as my peace, my joy, my hope, my life, my inheritance, my shield, my glory. Deliver those for whom I am praying from the judgment to come. Lead them to Jesus and the safety of your salvation.
Mutual Support
My partners in the gospel grow weary and lose heart. Strengthen their faith. Renew them in the truth and power and wonder of the gospel. Help them not to be afraid of those who oppose them because of the gospel, knowing that greater are you who is with them than the forces of him who is in the world. Assure them of their salvation and that with you is salvation.Â
For more information click here for the Community Houses of Prayer website.Â
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Scripture quotations marked NKJV are from The Holy Bible, New King James Version, copyright ©1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. Those marked ESV are from The Holy Bible, English Standard Version, copyright ©2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers. Used by permission. All rights reserved.