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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Come September - at the latest - Hosni Mubarak will no longer be President of Egypt.
Human beings may not be the only creatures which demonstrate an awareness of right and wrong.
Everything about our current cultural consensus encourages involvement with pornography.
Essentially, the President was looking for votes to buy for his re-election in 2012.

More Science?

January 23, 2011
More science - yeah, that ought to do it.
Smithsonian Secretary Wayne Clough has been taking some heat of late for his decision to remove a four-minute video from an exhibition. The video, which featured ants crawling over a crucified Christ, was deemed offensive by Catholic and other groups, as well as several members of Congress. It's doubtful the…
Different psychological methods are about equally effective in helping patients feel better.

Live Forever?

January 13, 2011
Can the Internet grant us immortality?
Americans support a huge and cumbersome system of public schools.

Not Surprised

January 9, 2011
The events of last Saturday in Tucson are disturbing and sad, but they are not surprising.
"Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold..."
The new Congress convenes today, and many across America are holding their breath.
Is neuroscience the new phrenology?
I always have mixed feelings about the arrival of another New Year.
It's easy to miss the fact that God's love extends to the whole of His creation, and not just to human beings.