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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
Many people have an Elymas in their life.
The first hurdle to faith? Hearing the Good News.
Is Abraham your father? Really?
Full faith grows by inclements, step by step.
Faith grows when praise is a way of life.
We can't realize God's promises in our own strength.
We cannot follow Christ on our terms.
They're God's promises; He'll supply the power.
Here's where we always begin to lose our way.
How can we make our churches more beautiful.
There is power in unity, if we're willing to work for it.
We are the fragrance of Christ?
More power is available - more than we've ever known.
You need to know what can stifle your growth.
The Lord is looking for fruit from His garden.

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In the face of this relentless information storm, this is no time for Christians to give up on reading. We need to equip ourselves to weather this information storm, and The Fellowship of Ailbe wants to help.