Glory to glory, now and forever.
Kingdom Priority (7)
But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord. 2 Corinthians 3.18
From, into
This is what every Christian hopes for, waits for, perseveres to know, and longs to express in all our relationships, roles, and responsibilities. We stand in hope of the glory of God, and we long to be used of God to help cover the earth with the knowledge of His glory.
It seems to me that the text of 2 Corinthians 3.18 is focusing not on the goal or a single episode of the glory of God, but on the process of hoping in the glory of God. If we translate the text just as it is written in the Greek – “from glory into glory” – we capture the intimation of outcomes – ever-increasing glory – but we also preserve what I believe to be the central thrust of this passage: Ever-increasing, glory-to-glory transformation into the image of Jesus Christ.
How do we get to this kind of lifestyle, this standing-in-hope-of-the-glory-of-God way of life?
We’ve touched on this already in this series, but in this final installment I want to spell it out more emphatically. Glory doesn’t just happen to us. We must hope in it, and that means wait for it and persevere in waiting until the glory in which we hope becomes the glory we experience and the glory we express every day of our lives.
What does this entail?
From glory
In order to bring others into the knowledge of the glory of God in every area of our lives, we must come from glory – like Moses descending Mt. Sinai, with his face aglow – into the world where glory is wanting. Only by coming from glory can we bring our world, in all its variety, into the glory of God with increasing expression and consistency.
This means more time in prayer and God’s Word, waiting and persevering in seeking the glory of the Lord there. It should also involve some time observing and reflecting on the glory of God in creation. But it will mean more time, and more focus in that time in order to discern, not just the intellectual context of the text of Scripture, or mere description of a landscape or beachscape, but more active, focused seeking the glory of God and relaxing into His love.
Look for the telltale signs of God’s presence – His beauty, goodness, wisdom, love, forbearance, compassion, and so forth. Make note of these by writing them down for deeper reflection over the next several days. Interact with God, praying, like Moses, that God would show you His glory and immerse you more completely in His love, that His presence would become real to you and go with you as you set out for your day.
Read, study, meditate, observe, and reflect with a view to encountering God in His glory. Dare to tell God you will not let Him go until He blesses you with a glimpse, a touch, a breath of His glory to revive your soul and expand the horizons of your faith. Then let that glory and love sink in, saturate, and transform your soul as you begin thinking about ways of refracting the glory of God through your life into the day ahead.
Into glory
Go from glory, lit up by the thrill of it, into your daily life, carrying your reflections, plans, and specific courses of action into all your relationships, roles, and responsibilities. How will the glory you have known become the glory you show to others? What does love require of you at your work, in your home, as you stop off to pick up some groceries or drop by the post office? What kindness, what goodness, what excellence, what word of encouragement, truth, or hope? Be alert to every opportunity to bring people and situations into the glory you’ve known, and you will have no trouble glowing with God’s presence and love wherever you are, whatever you’re doing.
This process – from glory into glory – defines what it means to stand in hope of the glory of God. But it’s also a template for our lives in the here and now, as we prepare for the glory which is to be revealed. One day we will be translated into a place where “Glory!” is the perpetual ambient sound and experience. As we learn to know the glory of God now, our anticipation of the glory which is to come will be heightened, and we’ll want others to know what we’re coming to know as well.
From glory into glory is where we’re headed; it’s also where we stand as those who have made the Kingdom turn – redeemed by grace, saved by faith, and called into the Kingdom and glory of God.
Next steps: Keep a little record of your “from glory into glory” experiences for the next several weeks. At the end of the time, set aside an hour for reflection and prayer. Praise God for the way you have hoped in and known His glory. Then get busy preparing for the next few weeks to come. Share this experience with a Christian friend.
T. M. Moore
Additional Resources
This week’s study, Kingdom Priority, is the fourth of an eight-part series on The Kingdom Turn, and is available as a free download. T. M. has written two books to complement this eight-part series. You can order The Kingship of Jesus by clicking here, and The Gospel of the Kingdom by clicking here.
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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.