“Come, let Us go down and there confuse their language, that they may not understand one another’s speech.” So the LORDscattered them from there over the face of all the earth, and they ceased building the city. Genesis 11.7, 8
A name for themselves
The episode of the Tower of Babel demonstrates why it is so important that those who perceive the corruption in their culture do whatever they can to redeem and renew culture according to the purposes of God.
In this brief story we catch a glimpse of how powerful the effects of culture can be on the lives of those who participate in it.
The people of the earth had journeyed as one to a place in the land of Shinar. We do not know what their population was at this time, but it must have been fairly small, since the flood was only a few generations in their past at this point. The people all shared the same culture and language, so it must have been fairly easy for them to hang together as they migrated from the east looking for some place to settle.
In the plain in Shinar they determined to make their stand. There a consensus was reached that they should build a city and, in the middle of that city, a tower, apparently as a focus of their religious devotion. They would employ all their available cultural skills at this task, with the declared objective of making “a name for themselves” and to keep from being dispersed over all the earth.
The city and tower would provide the strong identity and the communal rituals and protocols that would give the people a sense of significance and purpose. The problem of course, was that these two powerful cultural achievements would serve to orient and lead the people in a direction completely contrary to the good purposes of God. Rather than seek to establish the name of God over all the earth, the people in the plain of Shinar would make a name for themselves in one familiar and convenient locale.
An intervention of grace
The Lord was able to see the trouble in this. If the people of the earth succeeded in this project, they would only go on to do other and more things designed to exalt their own prestige and power (v. 6). The results, over time, would ultimately be the same as those which occasioned the flood: Men would use their cultural forms, and the power those forms accrued for them, to flout the will of God and to oppress and enslave others for the sake of their own names and agendas.
Culture can be a powerful tool in the hands of the few for the corruption and oppression of the many.
So God determined to interrupt their designs and move the people of the earth back onto something that more resembled His agenda for them. He would bring this building project to an end, break up the monolithic social structure of Shinar, and disperse the peoples over all the earth, precisely as He planned.
And all He did in order to accomplish this dramatic change was to introduce the cultural convention of new languages.
The peoples’ ability to understand one another now hopelessly confused, they sought out those with whom they could communicate and began to migrate away from the plain of Shinar toward the far ends of the earth. Their project for making a name for themselves was abandoned, and the hubris with which they essayed such a venture was appropriately chastened.
In spite of their rebellion against God, His grace prevailed – through the medium of a cultural innovation – to offer humankind an opportunity to return to His appointed course.
The challenge to the believer
God used a transformation of culture in order to redeem and reform a cultural situation that was spiraling out of control. Culture can be a powerful resource for helping people to move more deliberately toward fulfilling the divine purpose for their lives, but it may require being redeemed before it can serve that glorious end. For this reason, we must not take culture for granted, and we must not simply leave culture to the corroding and destructive effects of human sin, pride, and self-indulgence.
Rather, each of us needs to become more aware of the opportunities presented to us each day for bringing the beauty, goodness, and truth of God into the cultural arenas of our lives. Believers have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2.16), and He is working to make all things new (Rev. 22.5). As we learn to think and act with the mind of Christ in the cultural opportunities before us each day, we can expect to see some of that newness come to light, overcoming the hubris of men and declaring the excellencies of our God.
Next steps
Meditate on Romans 12.21, 2 Corinthians 10.3-5, and Revelation 22.5. What do you think it will take for you to become an agent of cultural change within your own sphere of influence? Talk with some Christian friends about this question.
Additional Resources
Download this week’s study, Redeeming Culture.
Sign up for ViewPoint Leaders Training and start your own ViewPoint discussion group.
Want to go a little deeper with culture? Order T. M.’s book, Christians on the Front Lines of the Culture Wars from our online store.
Men, download our free brief paper, “Men of the Church: A Solemn Warning,” by clicking here.
Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.