The Confident Witness (7)
We, however, will not boast beyond measure, but within the limits of the sphere which God appointed us—a sphere which especially includes you. 2 Corinthians 10.13
A simple rule
As with all sports, and much of life in general, there is an art to football. We can learn from going a little deeper into the game than we typically do.
I’m not here to argue the virtues of football. Someone more eloquent than I will have to undertake that challenge. I would merely like to point out that football players possess a kind of intelligence that some of us may never have considered. An intelligence that allows them to understand the strategy and tactics for each down, discern the obstacles and opportunities before them, calculate their best next step, summon the appropriate skills, and bend the energy of every member of their body to achieve their goal. And all this in just a few seconds before the ball is snapped.
Football players operate on rules. For every play a rule is designed that tells them where the play is going, whom to block, and when to act. Players are successful who master the rules and execute their part in each play with excellence and consistency. For example: Let’s say you’re the center, the guy who hikes the ball. Just watching, you might think that to hike the ball and run into somebody is about all he has to do. But as a center comes out of the huddle to the ball, he surveys the situation on the other side. Then he tells everybody else what they’re up against, and all the other players on the line click through the rule that governs this play in this situation. That rule may be as simple as “On, Backside, Linebacker, Downfield.” That is, when the ball snaps, if there is someone directly in front of me—“On”—I block him, preferably, in a direction away from where the play is going. If there’s no one “On” me, I block the guy away from the direction of the play—“Backside.” No one there either? Go for the “Linebacker”—the defender standing behind his own defensive line. And if there’s no Linebacker, then head “Downfield” and block anyone you encounter down there.
Rules. Priorities of action. All players have them for every play and every situation. Successful plays happen when everybody executes their rule. And what’s true of football is true of life as well. When believers execute their rule faithfully, consistently, and with excellence, grace spreads to more and more people and the Kingdom of God moves forward.
One rule for all
Working and bearing fruit in your Personal Mission Field with the disciplines of preparation, demonstration, conversation, and transformation reduces to a single set of rules: Boast, Edify, Evangelize, Expand. In every situation, no matter what you’re doing or whom you’re with, when you are doing the work of a confident witness, these are the priorities of your Rule for Life. Let’s take a closer look at how Paul described these.
First, boasting about Jesus. Boasting about Jesus is always appropriate (2 Cor. 10.13, 15-17). Boasting about Jesus doesn’t mean being obnoxious about Him. It’s more a matter of recognizing and acknowledging His Presence and work at any moment. Hopkins once wrote, “…for Christ plays in 10,000 places,/Lovely in limbs, and lovely in eyes not his…” Jesus is always about the business of making Himself known. We meet Him each morning in His Word. Can we boast about Him to one another, rejoicing in how He has spoken to us? Do we see and hear Him in creation? Acknowledge Him and point out His glory there? We may even see Him in someone’s act of kindness or thoughtfulness. Why not thank them for being Jesus to you?
There are as many ways to boast about Jesus as there are situations in a day. But unless we practice—beginning in prayer and working out into our lives (Ps. 90.12, 16, 17)—we’ll miss the opportunities God brings to us for boasting in the Lord.
Next, edify. Make it your business to build others up and to allow them to edify you (v. 15). Think near and aim small as you affirm, appreciate, and encourage the people to whom the Lord sends you. Let your words be always gracious and edifying (Col. 4.6; Eph. 4.29), and let them convey the joy and the hope you have in the Lord.
Then, evangelize (v. 14). There is always something we can do to sow Kingdom seed into the lives of those to whom the Lord sends us. Maybe not the whole Gospel every time, but at some point, yes, a loving and thorough conversation designed to re-evangelize those who already know the Lord and, at other times, to share the Good News of Jesus and His Kingdom with those who are still trapped in some form of wrong belief. Make sure you know the Gospel and that you can, like Paul, explain concisely how you came to know Jesus and what He has done in your life.
Finally, expand (v. 16). Look for ways to enlarge your Personal Mission Field. New people. Different situations. Unexpected open doors of opportunity. Like Paul, we need to stretch out the horizons of our Personal Mission Field, trusting the Lord to allow us to venture into new territory as agents of grace and ambassadors of His Kingdom.
It’s just that simple
Boast, Edify, Evangelize, Expand. That simple rule of life as a witness for the Lord can help you make the most of every opportunity to glorify God and show Jesus to your world (Eph. 5.15-17). As you read the Word each day, let it inform and embellish each facet of your rule. Pray that God will guide you in specific ways to live out your rule each day. Talk with other believers and encourage one another in living according to this simple rule. And rejoice at each successful “play” as the Lord “moves the ball” of His Kingdom a little bit further down the road of your journey.
You will live by some rule of life, some raft of repetitive disciplines and practices that will shape what you do each moment and thus what your life will contribute to the world. Remember that you are called to the Kingdom and glory of God (1 Thess. 2.12), that Jesus has appointed you to be His witness and has supplied you with the power to succeed in this (Acts 1.8), and that every moment of time and every situation in life are to be used for the glory of God (Eph. 5.15-17; 1 Cor. 10.31). Then, whatever you’re doing, think near and aim small to boast in Jesus, encourage and edify those around you, share something about the Good News of Christ, and reach out in new ways to enlarge your Personal Mission Field.
This is what Paul did, and Paul instructed us to imitate him as he imitated Jesus (1 Cor. 11.1).
For reflection of discussion
1. If you don’t accept the rule of life outlined here, what rule will you live by instead?
2. Do you have a prayer partner or a soul friend? How might having one of these help you in living according to Paul’s rule of life?
3. What can you do to begin improving your rule of life?
Next steps—Transformation: Write out your rule of life so that you could share it with someone over a cup of coffee.
T. M. Moore
Give thanks
If you have found this meditation helpful, take a moment and give thanks to God. Then share what you learned with a friend. This is how the grace of God spreads (2 Cor. 4.15).
Knowing Jesus
Being confident witnesses begins in our relationship with Jesus, in knowing Him. Two books can help you grow in Jesus. To Know Him is a brief and lively exposition of Philippians 3.7-11 and explains what Paul means by this. You can order your copy by clicking here. Be Thou My Vision offers 28 daily meditations on Jesus, drawing on Scripture and writings from the period of the Celtic Revival. Order your copy by clicking here.
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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.