Our readings in this series are from the book, The Church Captive. Here is a brief excerpt from page 12:
“We become prisoners of misguided affections, and we need to hear the voice of Paul and others, calling us back to our proper moorings. Rather than taking every thought captive for obedience to Jesus, captive churches hoist their sails into agreeable but treacherous winds, and embrace ideas and practices that are not what Christ intends for His Body. As Kenneth Scott Latourette observed of the Church in every age, a ‘process of borrowing and assimilation’ that works to undermine the distinctive character and mission of the Church, makes it reflect more the values and practices of the age than the teaching of God’s Word.
“At every moment, the Church is tempted to accommodate to the spirit of the age, and it can do so without even recognizing this to be the case.”
We’re happy to let you know that, beginning March 1 and for a limited time, you can order The Church Captive together with the next book in our Read Moore series, Revived!, at no cost. Order copies for yourself and for a study group or companion. Watch this space for additional information and to download a free discussion guide for both books.
T. M. Moore.