Our readings in this series are from the book, The King’s Heart: The Kingdom of God and Civil Government. Here is an excerpt from pages 87:
“Christians should begin to make it clear that [we] will only support politicians who take seriously the teaching of Scripture concerning good government. For this we can appeal, not merely to Scripture, but to the long heritage of British common law and the explicit teachings of the Founding Fathers of our nation. Good government is good when it governs God’s way. Political practice is illegitimate and out of bounds when it ignores, forsakes, or transgresses the clearly revealed standards of order, goodness, and justice which may be consulted in the Word of God. This is not a call for theocracy. This is a call for good government and for politics that function within the limits of order, goodness, and justice that are defined in the Scriptures.”
You can order The King’s Heart in book form or a free PDF from The Ailbe Bookstore. For The Fellowship of Ailbe, I’m T. M. Moore.