Our readings in this series are from the book, The Church Captive. Here is a brief excerpt from pages 38 and 39:
“The process whereby human traditions supplant Biblical teaching does not happen suddenly. The Church falls into a season of captivity not by revolution, but by a slow creep. Ideas and practices, foreign to the Gospel and the ancient faith and practice, are gradually introduced, until a form of Christianity becomes set in place that is far removed from what the Scriptures teach. Christian leaders continue to use words, forms, and practices that belong to the faith of Christ; but, the overall framework of faith becomes corrupted, and the freedom of the Christian is compromised. Then comes about a general captivity of the Church – to traditions and the men who teach and uphold them.
“This was the situation Martin Luther faced early in the sixteenth century.”
Now, and for a limited time, you can order The Church Captive together with the next book in our Read Moore series, Revived!, at no cost. Order copies for yourself and for a study group or companion. A free discussion guide is available as well.
T. M. Moore.