Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

A Gradual Replacing

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Our readings in this series are from the book, The Church Captive. Here is a brief excerpt from page 20:

“In his 1951 book The Captive Mind, the late Nobel laureate Czeslaw Milosz outlined the process whereby east European thinkers and leaders yielded to the winds of Marxist doctrine, and came to embrace what Milosz calls ‘The New Faith’, replacing cherished spiritual and cultural traditions of their native lands with a view of history as progressive, evolutionary, and socially levelling. Leaving their familiar ways behind, they adopted new ways, ways in line with the prevailing Marxist spirit, and they led themselves and the people who looked to them into a terrible regimen of captivity.

Milosz summarized the gradual process whereby philosophy replaced the Christian faith as the guiding light of culture and life: ‘We have come by easy stages to a lack of a common system of thought that could unite the peasant cutting his hay, the student poring over formal logic, and the mechanic working in an automobile factory…Religion has been replaced by philosophy which, however, has strayed into spheres increasingly less accessible to the layman.’”

We’re happy to let you know that, beginning March 1 and for a limited time, you can order The Church Captive together with the next book in our Read Moore series, Revived!, at no cost. Order copies for yourself and for a study group or companion. Watch this space for additional information and to download a free discussion guide for both books.

T. M. Moore.

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