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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

T.M. Moore

T. M. Moore is principal of The Fellowship of Ailbe, a spiritual fellowship in the Celtic Christian tradition. He and his wife, Susie, make their home in the Champlain Valley of Vermont.
Books by T. M. Moore

The Power of Culture

September 08, 2010
We underestimate sometimes the power of culture to rob us of reality.

The Islam Moment

September 13, 2010
A cursory glance yesterday afternoon at the religion sections...
What bothers me most about President Obama's speech last night...

Proof of Sin

September 06, 2010
Anyone who yet doubts the reality of sin need only spend an afternoon along the Shenandoah River at Harpers Ferry.

Money Changing Hands

August 27, 2010
Donald Wildmon is outraged. But is it for the right reason?

Spiritual Change

August 30, 2010
To listen to some Christians today you'd think the West had arrived at the final state of spiritual and moral development.

Rights and Wisdom

August 16, 2010
President Obama was pilloried by the conservative press over the weekend for two remarks he made concerning the proposed "mosque at ground zero."

There We Go Again

August 20, 2010
Just about the time everyone in the West gets used to the idea that we are the products of mere evolution,

So, is he?

August 23, 2010
Readers will know that, since the beginning of his presidency
A report in the August 7th issue of The Economist offers what could well be a glimpse into the future of the American Church.

"The void within" chronicles the sad state of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe. In desperate decline and plagued by sex scandals, the Church is losing ground faster than ever throughout all of Europe, including Poland.

Governments have become impatient with what they regard as Rome's stonewalling investigations into parishioner abuse by Catholic priests. Some have already taken over investigations and others are threatening to, thus eliminating Rome's centuries-old tradition of managing its own affairs, thank you very much.

Public confidence in the Church has plummeted, as have attendance numbers and vocations. The Church is drying up even as the rapid pace of secularization proceeds unchecked all over the continent. While there will always be a handful of faithful, the Church, The Economist opines, "is not so much shrinking as dying."

Scandals among leaders, moral compromise among members, wide tolerance of doctrinal differences, and a tone of arrogance with respect to the rest of the population are all making the Catholic Church an institution to be avoided. Could the same happen to the evangelical Church in America?

After all, many evangelical leaders have yielded to the temptations of the flesh. The morality of Church members doesn't much rise above that of the unchurched - if at all. And a "holier-than-thou" attitude surfaces in the face of social and moral issues which just about everyone finds offensive if not disgusting. What can keep the American Church from shrinking or dying as well?

Revival. Only revival - a work of God's Spirit which He brings in response to tears of repentance and much pleading for His help on the part of God's people. Only revival can keep the Church in America from going the way of the Roman Catholic Church in Europe.

And revival, if it is to begin, must begin with each one of us.

T. M. Moore

Rangel Wrangle

August 13, 2010
You gotta admire NY Congressman Charlie Rangel.

More of the Same

November 29, 1999
In one of his movies Steve Martin plays an LA weatherman whose life is boring and pointless because the weather is always the same, the forecast is always the same, and he is thus in a huge emotional and professional rut. He even takes to taping the weekend weather forecasts on Friday and playing them as though they're live on Saturday so that he doesn't have to come in to the office. I have the same feeling about the news. Have you noticed that everything that's treated seriously on the news relates either to the economy, politics, or some form of human tragedy (plane crash, mass murder, celebrity death). If we ever needed proof that we are a secular society, a people content to live only "under the sun," this surely is it. News, of course, like all TV, is ratings-driven, so news producers put on the air what they believe people want to see. And what do we want to see? Whatever relates to our money, our government, or the tragedies and hardships of others (at least it's not us, you see). Is there nothing else in this country or in the world worthy of serious consideration in prime time? Granted, we hear about an occasional scientific breakthrough - some new drug or procedure - but that just comes back to the human factor and my health and wellbeing. As far as most Americans know there isn't a first-rate thinker, artist, composer, educator, or inventor in the whole of the country - or, if there is, it's not the sort of thing that interests us, at any rate. The Christian cannot allow the evening news to shape and define his worldview. There is more to life, and there are more ways to enjoy and glorify God, than what the prime time news will ever put forward for our consideration. "The earth is the Lord's, and everything in it" (Ps. 24.1). Fight the tendency to think that the only important issues are political, economic, or health and happiness oriented. The glory of God is in all He has made, and, if we can discipline ourselves to slow down, pay attention, and study the works of God, we may find that the world is a much more interesting and wonderful place than the evening news leads us to believe.

T. M. Moore

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