Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Sing to the Lord!

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

The Spirit will meet you as you sing.

And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit, speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord…Ephesians 5.18, 19

Life Together
Dietrich Bonhoeffer (1906-1945)
“‘Sing and make melody in your heart to the Lord’ (Eph. 5.19). The new song is sung first in the heart. Otherwise, it cannot be sung at all. The heart sings because it is overflowing with Christ. That is why all singing in the church is a spiritual performance.”

Bonhoeffer insists that we should work hard to sing our spiritual songs to the Lord – and only to the Lord (he did not like singing of parts in congregational singing). That doesn’t mean we can’t sing at times other than in public worship, or with other believers. But starting the day with singing can add a fresh and focusing discipline to your preparation. The morning time of devotion provides a good opportunity for singing hymns. Here you can learn new hymns, new stanzas in familiar hymns, and perhaps even discover the joy of singing the psalms. Singing to the Lord in the morning engages mind, heart, and strength in an act of Kingdom consecration. According to Paul, it’s also an indication of the filling of the Spirit. Start your day with singing, and you’ll be more likely to find the Spirit present with you throughout the entire day.

Do you sing to the Lord in the morning or during the day? Why do you suppose there are so many exhortations in the Scripture for the people of God to sing to Him?

T. M. Moore

On Forgiveness
Forgiveness plays an important role in Christian community life. But what is forgiveness? Why is it so important? How can we practice forgiveness more consistently? Dr. Stan Gale addresses these and many other questions in his book, Forgiveness: Discovering the Healing Power of the Gospel. Listen to our Conversation with Stan by clicking here.

Praying the Psalms
For more instruction in how to use the psalms in prayer – and why you should – order a copy of our book, God’s Prayer Program (click here). Here you will learn information and guidelines to help you make praying the psalms a regular part of your prayer life.

Thanks to those of you who support our work with your prayers and gifts. Our heavenly Father supports The Fellowship of Ailbe through the generous and faithful gifts of those who benefit from and believe in our work. Does the Lord want to use you in this way? Please look to Him in prayer over this question. You can contribute to The Fellowship of Ailbe by using the Contribute button at our website, or by sending your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Drive, Essex Junction, VT 05452. Thank you.

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


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T.M. Moore
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