Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Science, Figures, Theology in a Cup of Coffee, and More

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Welcome to the new Pastor to Pastor.

But I have trusted in Your mercy;
My heart shall rejoice in Your salvation.
I will sing to the L
Because He has dealt bountifully with me.
Psalm 13.5, 6

Resources for Shepherds
Should science be above scrutiny?
Not according to James Heathers, who is leaving academic science for that very reason. The scientific community has become closed to criticism, and seems to believe it can do no wrong. This is not a good place for science to be, nor for the society science serves. Read a summary of Dr. Heathers’ article here. A link to the article itself is included.

The gospels teach us how to read the Old Testament…
…which, in turn, teaches us how to read the gospels. Richard B. Hays surveys each of the four gospels to discover their dependency on the Old Testament in his book, Reading Backwards. His work is a study on the role of Old Testament figures in pointing the way to Jesus. This is an excellent book for brushing up on your Biblical theology. Here’s a review with further details. 

Theology is everywhere…
…even in a cup of coffee. Ailbe Brother Charles Miller explains in his Insight meditation (click here). We can rejoice and give thanks to the Lord as we learn to see His handiwork in even the most ordinary, everyday things.

The Ailbe Seminary
Your crash course in Christian worldview…
…is just a click away. Here’s a great way for you and your leaders to gain an overview of Christian worldview in twelve diagrams – one worldview, twelve diagrams. This seminar is free, so share the link around, or work through the seminar together. Go to The Ailbe Seminary, register in the upper right hand corner, then enroll for the course.

Ailbe Resources
Evangelism is a process…
…not an event. That’s the point Dr. Mike McQueen, an Ailbe Brother, makes so well in his series of Conversations on “The Engel Scale.” Here’s a great tool for encouraging and equipping your people for the work of evangelism. Watch all five videos by clicking here.

Even the genealogies?
Paul said that all Scripture is inspired by God and profitable, and that we must teach the whole counsel of God to His people. That includes the genealogies of Scripture. But can there really be much meat on these slender bones? Our Scriptorium study “Gleanealogy” can help you see these genealogies in a whole new light. To download the four installments in this series, simply click here

What in the world is going on?
A lot of people are wondering about that these days. The sons of Issachar were mighty men because they understood the times and knew what Israel should do. Understanding the times is always important, especially for those entrusted with the ministry of the Word. Our book, Understanding the Times, can help. Here is a concise over of how to view the world and its goings-on for the purpose of seeking and advancing Christ’s Kingdom. You can order a copy of Understanding the Times by clicking here.

At The Fellowship of Ailbe
A few highlights from the Ailbe website, in case you missed them. Brother Bruce Van Patter offers some reflections on Hezekiah and the shadow on the stairwell. Dr. Stan Gale, Ailbe Board Member, continues his series on Jesus in the Gospel of John. Brother Dale Tedder warns about a new brand of militant atheism. And I continue looking at the nature and use of the time of our lives in our ReVision series, “Restoring the Reconciled World.”

Your Opportunity to Share
Send us your summaries, reviews, and insights!
Read a good article lately? Or an important book? Send us your review, and I’ll post it on the Resources for Shepherds page of our website. Share an insight from your time in the Word, or a brief story about your ministry, and we can use that, too. Recommend a journal or website, and we’ll have a look. This is your forum to minister to one another, and we hope you’ll use it well.

Psalm of the Week
In Psalm 13, David cries out “How long?” We’re probably all feeling that way these days. Sing Psalm 13, and let the psalm lead you from longing to rest:

Psalm 13
(Melita: Eternal Father, Strong to Save)
How long, O Lord, O Lord, how long
Will You forget me and my song?
How long will You conceal Your face
and keep from me Your precious grace?
How long must I my soul consult?
When shall my weary heart exult? 

Exalt not, Lord, my enemy;
Lord, hear my prayer and answer me!
Give light unto my weary eyes;
let not death claim me for its prize.
Let not my foe rejoice to say
that I have fallen in the way.

Yet I have trusted, Lord, in You;
Your lovingkindness sees me through.
My heart breaks forth in happy voice;
In Your salvation I rejoice!
Thus I will sing triumphantly:
“My God has dealt full well with me!”

Remembering the Celtic Revival
The God of the heights is the God at the hearth.
“What will be found in the Celtic tradition is not so much a God of the heights where one is to leave behind family and friends to find God (as the desert tradition suggests), but a God of the hearth around which stories are told and where people gather for warmth and sustenance; a God Who is already present, as friend and companion, in the midst of family, friendship, and ordinary life.”

  – Edward C. Sellner, The Celtic Soul Friend

Would you like to learn more about Celtic Christianity? Write to me at, and I’ll send you a PDF of our book, The Celtic Revival: A Brief Introduction. Here you’ll get a glimpse and overview of one of the most important, but least-known, periods of Church history.

T. M. Moore

We hope you find Pastor to Pastor to be a helpful resource in your walk with and work for the Lord. If so, please prayerfully consider supporting The Fellowship of Ailbe with your prayers and gifts. You can contribute online via PayPal, or by sending a gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 360 Zephyr Road, Williston, VT 05495. Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved. All Psalms for singing are from The Ailbe Psalter.

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