And everyone else’s, too.
Edwards on the Ministry (18)
For we are God’s fellow workers… 1 Corinthians 3.9
In “Christ the Example for Ministers” Jonathan Edwards wrote, “It is not only our great duty, but will be our greatest honour, to imitate Christ and do the work that He has done, and so act as co-workers with Him.”
That’s a staggering thought. Especially when you reflect a few minutes on the work of Jesus. Teaching and preaching. Training and discipling. Doing good works. Standing up to opponents. Denying divine prerogatives to come amongst the likes of us. Suffering and sacrificing. Persevering. Focusing on the coming of the Kingdom and laying the foundation for it.
His work, our work – all who have been called to the work of ministry.
But look again: “to imitate Christ and do the work that He has done”. That instruction to “imitate” Christ comes to every believer (1 Cor. 11.1). Thus, the work we do as shepherds, all the people of God are called to do in their Personal Mission Fields, according to their callings and opportunities.
Our job is to get them ready for such works of ministry (Eph. 4.11, 12).
Resources for Shepherds
Brethren, we need revival. Only God can bring it, and He commands us to seek it in prayer. Want a glimpse of what revival looks like? Contemplate Psalm 22.21-31, or Psalm 67, or Psalm 72. That’s what we’re after. Men from around the country meet every Tuesday morning at 10:00 am via Zoom to seek the Lord for revival, guided by a psalm – just so we get the language right. If you’d like to be added to our mailing list, just send me an email at
The work of shepherding God’s flock provides the framework in which all the work of ministry is to be conducted. Do we understand what this means? How it entails everything we do as ministers of the Word? Why this is so important to imitating Jesus and working alongside Him? Our book, Fan into Flame, can give you a fresh look at the work of ministry in all its parts. Order your free copy today by clicking here.
We have Readers available to guide you through our free course, “Parameters of Prayer”. This six-lesson study will help you stretch out and go deeper in your prayers. It’s a free resource you can use for leadership training or making disciples. Each of the six lessons has seven parts. Read and reflect, then answer the questions for discussion at the end. You can take the course on your own, or one of our Fellowship Brothers will happily meet with you via Zoom to review each lesson. If you’re interested, send an email to David Timbie at
We’re planning four Men’s Reading Groups for the fall. Some very important works are on the agenda. Watch this space over the next few weeks as we introduce the schedule. We can’t take more than 12 men to a group, so you’ll want to register quickly.
From the Celtic Revival
Here is some very sound advice from Columbanus in his poem, “On the World’s Impermanence”:
From earthly things lift up
your heart’s eyes;
love the most loving
hosts of angels;
blessed family
which dwells on high,
where the old does not groan
nor the infant cry,
where of God’s praise
no voice is restrained,
where there is no hunger,
where there is never thirst,
where on celestial food
the heavenly folk are fed,
where none dies
because none is born…
Joyful after crossing death
they shall see their joyful King;
with Him reigning they shall reign,
with Him rejoicing they shall rejoice,
then grief, then weariness,
then toil shall be done away,
then the King of kings, the pure King,
shall be seen by the pure.
(Excerpted from Walker, Sancti Columbani Opera)
Sign-up at our website,, to receive Crosfigell every Tuesday and Thursday and learn more from and about the great leaders of the Celtic Revival (430-800 AD).
For a brief introduction to the Celtic Revival, write to me at and I’ll send you a free copy of our PDF, The Celtic Revival: A Brief Introduction.
T. M. Moore
Cowper on Preaching
William Cowper, hymn writer and poet, offered some compelling and convicting insights into the work of preaching in his lengthy poem, The Task. Our book, An Essay on Preaching, arranges those excerpts into a concise overview of Cowper’s views on late 19th century preaching in England. A free copy awaits you by clicking here.
Please pray
It is our privilege to provide resources and opportunities to equip and encourage church leaders in building the Lord’s Church and advancing His Kingdom. Please pray that God will move many of those we serve through this ministry to share with us financially in its support. If the Lord moves you to give, you can use the Contribute button at the website to give with a credit card or through PayPal or Anedot, or you can send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 360 Zephyr Road, Williston, VT 05495.
Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.