Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Opportunities for the New Year

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Happy New Year!

…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen. 2 Peter 3.18

Augustine and Columnbanus on the ministry of the Word
Next week Pastor to Pastor begins a new series, looking at works by Augustine (354-430 AD) and Columbanus (540-615 AD) aimed at helping those entrusted with the ministry of the Word. Augustine’s On Christian Doctrine and the Sermons of Columbanus are packed with excellent insights to help us improve our work of preaching and teaching.

Several pastors and teachers in The Ailbe Community and amongst our Board and Brothers have agreed to share their insights for this series, and you will find their observations and suggestions most helpful. I pray that you’ll read along with us, and, as the Lord leads, share Pastor to Pastor with your ministry colleagues.

As the New Year begins, I want to alert you to three opportunities that can help you sharpen your skills and extend the reach of your ministry.

The Writing Pastor
If you’ve ever wondered about whether there might be a place for writing in your ministry, this Ailbe Seminary course can help you get started. I’m able to work with three men this winter and spring, and if you’re interested, I encourage you to watch this brief introductory video, then register for the free course, The Writing Pastor. Together we can help you learn to use writing in effective ways to improve and extend your ministry of the Word of God.

Fulfill your ministry!
Paul told Timothy to fulfill his ministry by doing the work of an evangelist. Sadly, many pastors and church leaders have relegated their work of evangelism to preaching only. And they aren’t leading their churches to seek the lost, as Jesus sought them (Lk. 19.11). Our Ailbe Seminary course, Mission Partners, will help you re-establish evangelism as part of your own ministry, and give you the tools and incentive to equip the people of your church to fulfill their callings as witnesses for Christ as well. I will be able to work with three men on this course, so it’s first-come, first-served. Watch this brief video, and then, if you’re interested, enroll in the course and download all the materials. We’ll get started right away.

Pray, pray, pray for revival!
Weekly and monthly opportunities are available for men to join with other men around the country in an online format to pray for revival. Meetings typically last a half-hour, and we use a psalm to guide our prayers as we seek the Lord for revival, renewal, and awakening in our time. Join us, then lead the men in your church to begin praying for revival as well. For more information on how to join a Prayer for Revival group, simply email me at If you’d like a free copy of our PDF on praying for revival, Give Him No Rest, write to me, and I’ll send it right along.

Two things more
Let me also remind you of the Resources for Shepherds page at The Fellowship of Ailbe website (which you will find here). Here are weekly summaries, reviews, insights, and other resources to enhance your walk with and work for the Lord. And we invite you to contribute to this page in any of its categories, using the submission form on the page, or by sending your submission to me at

Finally, we’ve just produced a new brochure introducing the ministry of The Fellowship of Ailbe and its resources and opportunities. I’m happy to send you up to 15 copies to give to friends or colleagues, or to put on the information table at your church. Just write to me at, and we’ll send them right along. Don’t forget to include your mailing address when you write.We’re look forward to a fruitful year of growth and outreach, and I rejoice in the Lord that you’ll be with us. Your feedback is always helpful, so don’t hesitate to write to me with your comments, stories, questions, or concerns.

Blessings for a glorious and fruitful New Year.

T. M. Moore

Please prayerfully consider sharing with The Fellowship of Ailbe through your giving. You can contribute to The Fellowship by clicking the Contribute button at the website or by sending your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 360 Zephyr Road, Williston, VT 05495.

Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe