Here are two key tools for disciple-makers.
Growing into Christ (6)
“…but we will give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word.” Acts 6.4
The Elder and His Work
David Dickson (1821-1885)
“Though the work of eldership is in itself very honorable and very interesting, yet it will be dull, formal, and worthless, unless there be a real and growing love to Jesus in our hearts. That is the only oil that will make the lamp burn, and keep it burning. We must be men of prayer if we are to honor the Lord in our office. And we must have the word of Christ dwelling in us richly…”
The elder – or pastor, deacon, or leader – has three tools to use in ministering the grace of God to His people: the Word of God, prayer, and his personal example. We need to master each of these as resources for watching over the flock of God. If we are deficient in any one of these areas, all our ministry will suffer – as will those who have been entrusted to our care. But none of these tools can be sharpened or properly wielded apart from a growing relationship with the Lord Jesus. As we are transformed increasingly into His image, His love and life flow out from us to the people entrusted to our care. In prayer, we intercede daily for them. As often as we can, we lead them into the green pastures of His Word. And by our example of seeking and serving Jesus, we make disciples who grow into Him and serve Him as well.
How would you describe the balance between these three tools in your own work as a shepherd of God’s people?
If Men Will Pray
Paul explicitly declared that men everywhere should lift holy hands in prayer, so that the Gospel could flourish (1 Tim. 2.1-8). So how is it with the men of your church? Are they men of prayer? Do they take no rest, and give God no rest, seeking Him in prayer? Men at Prayer provides resources for you to use in enlisting, equipping, and encouraging your men for prayer. Watch this brief video, then begin developing a strategy for leading the men of your church to take their place on the wall, seeking the Lord for revival, renewal, and awakening in our day. If you need helping thinking this through, or you’d like to talk about this effort, send me an email at
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Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.All quotations are from David Dickson, The Elder and His Work (Dallas: Presbyterian Heritage Publications, 1990).