Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Men of Prayer

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Are we?

Edwards on the Ministry (12)

Therefore I also, after I heard of your faith in the Lord Jesus and your love for all the saints, do not cease to give thanks for you, making mention of you in my prayers… Ephesians 1.15, 16

In my work with The Fellowship of Ailbe, I meet many pastors, and we talk frequently about our spiritual lives, and, in particular, about prayers. Here’s Edwards on this matter (“Christ the Example of Ministers”): “Ministers should imitate their great Master in his fervent prayers for the good of the souls of men. We find it to be Christ’s manner, whenever he undertook anything of special importance in the work of his ministry, first to retire and pour out his soul in extraordinary prayer to his Father.”

Many of us perhaps might say that our prayers are, if anything, not what we would like – not like Paul’s, and certainly not like the prayers of Jesus. As important as our personal example is for the work and business of ministry, the work of prayer matters even more so. Without prayer, without resting and abiding in the Lord through this means, we can do nothing.

I suspect that much of this feeling of deficiency in prayer reflects a desire for more fervor, constancy, depth, and time in prayer, rather than utter prayerlessness. That’s as it should be. Hungering and thirsting to be with the Lord in prayer is the starting-point for a stronger prayer life.

Prayer is our first and greatest resource for shepherding the flocks of God. Those entrusted to us will be more likely to flourish in the Lord if we imitate Jesus and Paul in “fervent prayer for the good of the souls of men.”

Resources for Shepherds
Men, you are invited to participate in a Prayer Action Summit, via Zoom, on Tuesday evening, May 31, from 8:00 to 10:00 Eastern. The purpose of this gathering/workshop is to generate specific action steps for enlisting more men for our Men’s Prayer Movement and to join together in praying for revival. David Timbie and I will be conducting the Summit, and we’ll be sending out some resources in advance and making others available, free of charge, to all who attend. To register, simply send me an email at and let me you’d like to receive the invitation to our Prayer Action Summit.

Our study on prayer, “Parameters of Prayer,” can be a helpful resource for improving your prayer life and helping the shepherds in your church to pray more faithfully, fervently, and fruitfully. Write to me at, and I’ll send you all six of the installments of this study in PDF.

Two resources from the bookstore to strengthen your prayer life and help others improve theirs. God’s Prayer Program guides us through the venerable discipline of learning to pray the psalms. And The Poetry of Prayer looks at prayer from a wide variety of angles, following George Herbert’s classic poem, “Prayer (1)”. The book includes exercises to improve your prayer life according to Herbert’s guidance. Each book is free and can be ordered here and here.

From the Celtic Revival
In our Tuesday and Thursday teaching letter, Crosfigell, we continue our devotional history of the Celtic Revival by beginning to look at the role of monasteries and the men who built and led them in that great movement of God’s Spirit. Here’s an excerpt from a recent issue:
The ancient fortresses of the pagans
to which title had been gained by long habitation,
are empty and without worship
like the place where Lugaid dwelt.

The little places that were settled
by twos and threes
are Romes, with assemblies
of hundreds and thousands.

Though it was far-flung and splendid,
paganism has been destroyed:
The kingdom of God the Father
has filled heaven, earth, and sea.

  – Oengus mac Oengobann, The Martyrology of Oengus (9th century?)[1]

You can read the commentary accompanying this excerpt by clicking here.

We’re happy to offer brief video excerpts from leaders of the Celtic Revival, focusing on the values we in The Fellowship have culled from their example. You can learn more about the values of holiness and calling by clicking here and here.

T. M. Moore

We go through many seasons in our life, and not just those that mark the passage of a year. Our latest book of poems, Seasons, explains. Order your free copy by clicking here.

Please pray
It is our privilege to provide resources and opportunities to equip and encourage church leaders in building the Lord’s Church and advancing His Kingdom. Please pray that God will move many of those we serve through this ministry to share with us financially in its support. If the Lord moves you to give, you can use the Contribute button at the website to give with a credit card or through PayPal or Anedot, or you can send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 360 Zephyr Road, Williston, VT 05495.

Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


[1] All excerpts from Carey, pp. 190-192.

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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe