Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Fan into Flame: A Plan for Growth?

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

In this issue:
Fan into Flame: A Plan for Growth?
Opportunities: Outreach Church Action Group and The Writing Pastor
Resources: One in Twelve
Monthly Resource: Charles Bridges on The Christian Ministry

Fan into Flame: A Plan for Growth?
…but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 2 Peter 3.18

Growing in Christ doesn’t just happen. Growing in the skills of church leadership doesn’t just happen, either. Unless we are diligently attending to growth in the Lord, we won’t just stand still; we’ll decline and begin to drift away from the Lord.

Fall is usually the time pastors and church leaders review their ministry plans. It’s also a good time to think more pointedly about growing in the Lord and in the work He’s called us to do.

But getting a handle on growth can be difficult. It’s too easy just to follow some whim, or to glom onto what everybody else is reading or learning. Shouldn’t we instead try to achieve more balance and direction in our growth, according to our own interests and needs? Shouldn’t we have a plan for growththat helps us to improve both in our walk with as well as our work for the Lord?

Good plans have to start somewhere. You can’t grow beyond where you are unless you first understand, well, where you are. Good plans start from baselines, and baselines are derived, in part, from assessments. Let me encourage you to watch our brief video on the Personal Discipleship Inventory, then download the free assessment tool and use it to discover a baseline for growing in your relationship with and calling from the Lord.

The Personal Discipleship Inventory involves 15 statements to help you understand the state of your vision of the Christian life, your disciplines for growing in and serving the Lord, and the state of your walk with Him – the outcomes and fruit He’s bearing in you. It also provides you an opportunity to begin thinking about next steps to take for growing in the Lord.

Growing leaders make for growing followers. If the people we serve don’t seem to be growing, we need to look to ourselves first, to make sure we are setting a pace for growth that draws others along with us. The Personal Discipleship Inventory can help you find a starting-point for more deliberate growth in the Lord and your calling.

Opportunities: Outreach Church Action Group and The Writing Pastor
This is the final call for men to sign-up for our Outreach Church Action Group. We will distribute the materials and begin meeting in October. We have spaces for 12 men who will covenant together, over the next 6 months, to work through the Mission Partners Outreach program study the work of evangelism. We will partner up for part of our Action Group project and meet once a month in our online conference room. There’s no charge for our Outreach Action Group, but I need to hear from you soon. Write to me at and I’ll send you more detailed information about this opportunity. If we get more than 12 men who want to work through this, we’ll open another section.

Just a reminder, beginning in October, I will have 3 slots available to lead men through our course, The Writing Pastor. Writing of various kinds can help your ministry go further and have a greater impact. In this course you’ll go through various exercises designed to help you think through how to add writing to your pastoral tool kit. Individualized instruction, online tutorials, and lots of opportunity for feedback. The course is free (there is a $25 charge for the course workbook), but only three slots are available. If you’re interested, write to me at

Resources: One in Twelve
It’s important that pastors and church leaders have a good overall grasp of the Christian worldview, to understand both how that worldview differs from the non-Christian world, and to equip those entrusted to their care for Christian worldview living. Our course, One in Twelve, can help you bring your worldview thinking together. Using twelve diagrams, brief videos, and a variety of supplemental learning resources, this course provides a framework for understanding and teaching worldview that can equip you for more effective ministry and the people you serve for more fruitful Kingdom living. Check out the course description at The Ailbe Seminary. The course and all learning materials are free. Study at your own pace, and I’ll be available as needed to answer any questions.

Monthly Resource: Charles Bridges on The Work of Ministry
This month’s Pastor to Pastor resource features readings from Charles’ Bridges excellent book, The Christian Ministry. Bridges was an evangelical Anglican pastor during the first part of the 19th century. His book explains what the work of ministry entails and what can keep us from fulfilling our calling. The 28 readings in this free PDF download are coupled with Scripture, a brief commentary, and questions for reflection. This could be an excellent source for a review of your calling, or for helping you church’s leaders gain a better understanding of what you – and they – are called to by the Lord.

Please let us know how we can serve you at The Fellowship of Ailbe. May the Lord’s blessings be with you in all things.We’re happy to provide Pastor to Pastor and other online resources at no charge. If this ministry is helpful to you, please prayerfully consider joining those who support our work financially. It’s easy to give to The Fellowship of Ailbe, and all gifts are, of course, tax-deductible. You can click here to donate online through credit card or PayPal, or send your gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 19 Tyler Dr., Essex Junction, VT 05452.

You can download this month’s devotional readings, The Work of Ministry, by clicking here.

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T.M. Moore

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