Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Pray with Open Eyes

Ralph Lehman

Ah, what you can see with the eyes of the heart!

Christians are engaged in an ongoing spiritual warfare, and prayer is one of the weapons God has provided so that we might prevail (Eph. 6.10-20).

One comforting thing about spiritual warfare is that we are not sent out to engage this struggle alone. This is vividly portrayed in the 2 Kings 6.15-17, when Elisha was in Dothan with his servant. The city had been surrounded by the Syrian army, and they had come seeking Elisha. Upon seeing the Syrian invaders all around, his servant asks, “Alas, my master! What shall we do?” Whereupon Elisha prayed for his servant’s eyes to be opened. 

His “eyes” to be opened? Hadn’t he already seen enough with his eyes?

But Elisha meant his spiritual eyes – what Paul refers to as the “eye of the heart” (Eph. 1.15-23). We all have these “eyes” but we don’t employ them as frequently as we should.

God answered Elisha’s request and allowed his servant to see with the eyes of the heart. Suddenly he clearly saw the hosts of heaven filling the mountain. Suddenly, the Syrians were struck with blindness, displaying God’s ability to open the eyes of some and close those of others. 

In this story, we are offered a glimpse into the spiritual world, but that world or its inhabitants is not elaborated on in much detail.  This world is presented as existing and nothing else. But it’s clear that the powers of this world can be brought to bear for the defense of God’s people through the vehicle of prayer (cf. Pss. 35, 91).

In the spiritual warfare, God and His Kingdom prevail, bringing resources to aid us against even the most unlikely of odds, so that His glory and power come to light.

We have nothing in ourselves in which to place our confidence when waging spiritual warfare. But in God we can have full confidence. Let us pray that God will open and not close our eyes to His Kingdom, His power and His presence.

Revival in our day might not seem likely. But look more closely, brothers – with the eye of the heart.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare arenot carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds… 2 Corinthians 10.3, 4

Ralph Lehman, Men’s Prayer Coordinator (
T. M. Moore, Principal (

The spiritual realm: A guided tour
T. M.’s study guide, The Landscape of Unseen Things, can help you grow in confidence concerning the spiritual powers available to us in the Kingdom. Here is a tour de force of the realm we inhabit, but which we can only see with the eyes of the heart. Order your copy by clicking here.

Prayer Resources for a Movement of Men at Prayer
“Men of the Church: A Solemn Call” can be downloaded for free by clicking this link. Hand this brief paper to every man you know, and urge them to join you in this movement of Men at Prayer.

Order additional copies of If Men Will Prayand begin challenging your friends to take up this daily work of seeking the Lord with greater consistency and power.

Finally, our latest resource for prayer is the book, Restore Us!It’s available at the bookstore, and is our guide and resource for enlisting you and your friends in praying daily for revival.Except as indicated, Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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