A firm foundation for prayer.
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends. John 15:13
We are familiar with the account of Peter denying Christ three times on the night he was betrayed. We can
imagine the isolation Peter may have felt as he was asked if he was with Jesus. The Jewish leaders were the
only group that held any power other than the Romans and even they were set against Jesus and His
The Jewish leaders had disputed with Jesus for some time and their animosity only increased over time. When
Peter was questioned on whether he associated with Jesus, his imagination did not require any help on what
his fate might be.
Jesus fully understood Peter abandoning Him that evening. It is very likely that they all abandoned him except
for John. Yet it was for Peter and the other disciples, that Christ had prayed for while in the Garden. Fully
understanding the depth of Peter’s sin, as well as mine and everybody else’s, Jesus still embraced the Cross.
This is the standard of true love.
By developing a godly perspective on the extent and heinousness of our sin, through such humility we can
learn to love others as God has loved us. Where the Church is exhibiting such love, the Church is growing.
We are hearing accounts of Christians who love and pray for their persecutors. Christians who will forsake
their rights in the courts as they forgive their enemies who have burned their homes and attacked them
bodily. Christians who pray for those who have killed their family members.
Like Christ, they are embracing the Cross in response to the love the Father has shown them.