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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

Mike Slay

As a mathematician, inventor, and ruling elder in the Presbyterian Church in America, Mike Slay brings an analytical, conversational, and even whimsical approach to the daily study of God's Word.


December 12, 2020

The Rock once more. — by Matt Richardson

What is Revealed

December 11, 2020

to open eyes.

Christian Radar

December 10, 2020

Be skeptical, especially of yourself.

Negative Miracles

December 09, 2020

Try to see the positive.


December 08, 2020

The facts are the same.

Offending God in Prayer

December 07, 2020


The Bridge

December 05, 2020

to restoration. — by Matt Richardson

Christian Eyes

November 28, 2020

We see with more than just our eyes; we see with our minds. Christians have a different mindset. This allows them to see things non-Christians don’t see — God’s hand in things, His purposes, His kingdom. Through the examples of Paul and Silas, Ananias, Simon the sorcerer, and Martha, we explain the difference between regular eyesight and seeing with Christian eyes.


December 04, 2020

from the kingdom.

Spiritual Blindness

December 03, 2020

No idea what's going on.

Learning to See

December 02, 2020

For "My name."

I Feel Like Singing

December 01, 2020

Attitude is essential.

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