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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
In the Gates
The Law of God and Public PolicyDistributive justice reaches to others besides the poor.
The Law of God and Public PolicyJustice requires that we show generosity toward the needy.
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe still believe in the practice of preventive justice.
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe must take steps to ensure against injustice.


August 21, 2014
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe learn obligatory justice at home.
The Law of God and Public PolicyJustice begins with respecting the image of God in others.
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe can only understand justice by looking to God.
The Law of God and Public Policy Justice reflects the character and purpose of God.
The Law of God and Public PolicyAll public policy must aim at justice.

How We Speak

August 16, 2014
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe must be wise in the language we use in making public policy.
The Law of God and Public PolicyIt matters what language we use in the public square.
The Law of God and Public PolicyWe can affect public policy by our faithful prayers.
The Law of God and Public PolicyAll our involvement in public policy-making must be grounded in prayer.
The Law of God and Public PolicyIn order to affect public policy we must learn to talk the talk.
The Law of God and Public Policy All believers are called to political involvement at some level.