Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

What about us? Are we worthy of Christ?

Personal Mission Field

He begged his mother, who placed herself in his way and held the door, to let him go. Weeping and stretched upon the floor, she said she would not permit it. Then he stepped across the threshold and asked his mother not to give way to her grief; she would never see him again…

  – The Monk Jonas, Life of St. Columban (Italian, 7th century)

“Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me…”

  – Matthew 10.37

Thus Columbanus, the greatest of the Irish peregrini, began his journey of following Christ wherever He would lead. First, he went to school, where he was a brilliant student. Then he moved on to Bangor to study with the great Comghall, and to become an instructor in his school. At last, 50 years of age, he left Ireland with a few friends and headed for Gaul, where the re-evangelization of Europe began under his leadership.

His mother dearly did not want her only son to leave. But she must have known that the call of Christ, the call of discipleship, was far stronger than any ties of blood or home. Did she, in the midst of her weeping and grief, nonetheless feel, stretched out across that threshold, a deep sense of pride and gratitude that she had raised a son who could so courageously heed the call to “Follow”?

And what about us? Are we worthy of Christ? Do we, like Columbanus, set aside all other earthly loves, anything that would hinder us in seeking the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, in order to follow Jesus wherever He may lead? We have so many more things to love now than men did in Jesus’ day – or even in Columbanus’. Work, leisure, diversions; possessions, properties, retirement accounts; comforts and ease that are the envy of the world: Do we love Jesus more than these?

Today, when you step across the threshold of your home and head out into the world, do you go with the resolve of Columbanus, or with that of your materialistic and comfort-seeking contemporaries? Do you step over the pleading, prostrate body of your old self, resolving that it shall never see you again, to follow wherever Jesus may lead you, for whatever He may want you to do?

As you go out today, and every day hereafter, think of Columbanus. And remember the words of Jesus: “Whoever loves comforts, securities, and worldly delights more than Me, is not worthy of Me.”

Pray for God to raise up a generation of Jesus-worthy followers.

Today at The Fellowship of Ailbe

ReVision – Another meeting to discuss one of the “big questions” in life, and, can you believe it? they forgot to invite any believers.

Friends, we’re grateful for each one of you who receives this newsletter five days a week and visits our website as you are able. It is our earnest prayer that this ministry is providing you some new sense of vision and direction for your own walk with the Lord. If so, we’d like to hear from you. Our Board would like to hear from you. Your prayers, encouragement, and gifts will help The Fellowship of Ailbe in the coming year to expand into new areas and reach new church leaders with Kingdom vision and spiritual renewal. You can donate to our ministry by using the button here, or at the website, or send your tax-deductible gift to The Fellowship of Ailbe, 100 Lamplighter Ct., Hamilton, VA, 20158. Thank you very much.

T. M. Moore,

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T.M. Moore
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Fellowship of Ailbe
