In the world’s eyes, these were nobodies.
But God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise; God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong; God chose what is low and despised in the world, even things that are not, to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God.
– 1 Corinthians 1.27-29
Brave the host which has his hardness, an order with true angels’ acts:
though they were deaf, they had hearing; though they were lame, they had strength.
– Béccan mac Luigdech, Fo Réir Choluimb, Irish, 7th century
Béccan celebrated the monks who gathered around Colum Cille (Columba) and made Iona their home and staging-ground for a mission to the lost peoples of the British Isles. In the world’s eyes these were nobodies. They had no wealth, no connections, no pedigrees – nothing.
Nothing, that is, but an ear to the Word of God and the strength of His Spirit to guide and empower them. These were enough.
The first Irish peregrini who “wandered about” preaching the Good News of Jesus seemed to most who heard them a motley crew; but they were God’s chosen vessels to carry on the work begun by Patrick and launch it beyond Ireland to distant lands. God does not require that we fit the world’s conception of what constitutes someone to be reckoned with; indeed, the less we fuss and worry about making ourselves appealing in the world’s eye, the greater is the likelihood we’ll have ears to hear the Lord and strength from beyond our own resources to serve Him.
You may regard yourself as not very clever, not well attached, and not able to do much, but if you can hear the Lord’s calling and instruction and will surrender yourself to His power, He can use you in ways you’ve never dared to ask or think. Those humble monks had courage and a firm conviction that they were on the side of the angels as they ventured out to make the Good News of Jesus known.
In our day the work of personal evangelism is languishing; few are the pastors or lay men who make it a central feature of their ministries to reach out to the lost in an aggressive, consistent manner.
Whatsay we draw a line in the sand, claim the mantle of Columba, and take up this noble calling once again? Let ours be the generation that reclaims the Great Commission as more than mere rhetoric, beginning with our own Personal Mission Fields.
Psalm 107.1-3 (Faithfulness: “Great is Thy Faithfulness”)
Lord, You are good, we give thanks and we praise You!
Your steadfast love will forever endure.
Let the redeemed, who from trouble You rescue,
Gather and say that Your mercy is sure!
Lord, for Your wondrous works, and for Your steadfast love
We give You thanks, we exalt Your great Name!
We who from east and west, north and south gather,
Boldly redemption in Christ we proclaim!
Lord, a day is coming when will stand before You to give an account for our deeds. Help us to be faithful. Adapted from Colum Cille, Altus Prosator
T. M. Moore, Principal
Give me boldness, Lord, and open doors of opportunity, so that I might be a faithful witness for Jesus.