Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.

The Power of Thanksgiving

T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Thanksgiving – that's the solution we need.

Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus.

  – Philippians 4.6, 7

…in everything give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

  – 1 Thessalonians 5.18

So, whatever may come my way, good or bad, I equally tackle it, always giving thanks to God, Who granted me unlimited faith in Him, and Who helped me so that, ignorant as I am, I might in these final days dare to undertake this work, so holy and so wonderful.

  – Patrick, Confession, Irish, 5th century[1]

Do not underestimate the power of thanksgiving. The simple gesture of giving thanks can unleash spiritual power for peace, contentment, and physical strength and wellbeing.

In every situation, no matter how delightful or dire, our first response should always be thanksgiving. In times of joy we give thanks to God, thus acknowledging that every good and perfect gift comes from Him (Jms. 1.17). We recognize that we deserve nothing of good from Him, but that He surrounds and sustains us with good things, far more than we ever fully consider. Giving thanks for God’s blessings is right and good, and firms up our hearts of faith and love toward Him.

But let us also give thanks to the Lord in our times of doubt, fear, trouble, or anxiety. By doing so at such times we acknowledge that He is sovereign in all things, does all things well, and works all things together for good to those who love Him. We may not always feel thankful for the conditions of our lives, but we can always give thanks in them. Giving thanks, even when we don’t feel thankful, is an act of faith, and faith pleases the Lord.

In fact, thanksgiving is the leading edge of genuine faith; wherever thanksgiving is in evidence, growth in grace will occur. The peace of God, in which we find rest, contentment, hope, joy, and security in the Lord, is the immediate fruit of thanksgiving. When the peace of God floods our souls, our hearts are guarded from unwise, hasty, or sinful affections – such as anger, vengefulness, resentment, fear, or hatred.

Similarly, our minds, under the influence of God’s perfect peace, are kept from wicked thoughts – plotting and scheming, hateful attitudes, doubts, and so forth. Giving thanks in all things unleashes power to strengthen our souls, which, in turn, affects the demeanor of our bodies, all our words and deeds. Patrick found the strength to pursue his ministry, in the most daunting of situations, by giving thanks. We can continue to serve God daily on the strength of thanksgiving as well.

The peace that Jesus left us can enable us to overcome every adversity, every trial (Jn. 16.33); but that peace is only available through thanksgiving. Those who will not give thanks to God and find the peace He gives will seek their wellbeing in other places, and thus create idols that deceive, distract, and can destroy us (cf. Rom. 1.21-23). Giving thanks keeps the focus of our hearts and minds where it ought to be, and can prevent us from drifting away from our salvation (Heb. 2.1-3).

Do not doubt the power of genuine thanksgiving – not being thankful, necessarily, but giving thanks as an act of obedience and trust. God will meet you in the thanksgiving solution, and His peace will strengthen your soul.

Before you head out into your Personal Mission Field each day, give thanks to God – for the work you have ahead of you, the people you’ll encounter, and the peace and power He is even now preparing for you as needed. Then take thanksgiving with you throughout your day, and you will know the presence of God for peace and strength in everything you do.

Psalm 105.1-5, 45(Warrington: “Give to Our God Immortal Praise”)
Give thanks unto the Lord Most High; call on His Name, before Him cry!
Make known His deeds in every land; sing praise for all the works of His hand.

Glory in God, rejoice in heart, all you who seek His holy part.
Him and His strength and presence seek; His works proclaim, His judgments speak.

So let us all in our Savior confide, and in His holy Law abide.
Let us observe His glorious Word, and praise our sovereign, faithful Lord!

Teach me always to give thanks, O Lord, so that I might grow daily in Your grace and truth.

“Lift up your eyes…”
Many believers are like Jesus’ disciples. That’s a good thing. But not always. Jesus reproached His disciples in John 4 because they were always looking too far down the road for good things to happen, and very often missed what was right in front of them. “Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’?” The good stuff, the fruit-bearing-life-changing-revive-the-world stuff, is always just beyond the horizon. And probably, if we’re honest, somebody else’s responsibility, not ours.

But Jesus was Mr. Personal Mission Field: “Lift up your eyes!” Look around. See the people before you each day. They aren’t closed to talking about spiritual matters. They’d be open to hearing about how Jesus is bringing life, meaning, joy, and purpose to you. They might even be “ripe for the harvest.”

The harvest is all around us, and so is the sowing. You and I have been sent as Jesus was sent – to a particular time, place, and people – for the purpose of bringing near the Good News of the Kingdom (Jn. 20.21). Each day you will either sow, cultivate, and water your field, or you’ll just let it go to the birds of the air, the weeds of the age, and the spiritual forces of wickedness in high places.

Crosfigell comes to you three times a week to remind you of our calling, to situate our calling within the Word of God and the great tradition of faithful believers from the past, and to give you practical guidance in working your Personal Mission Field each and every day.

We’re thankful for you. Help us enlist others into this working field. Tell your friends about The Ailbe Community, and challenge them to use the Personal Mission Field worksheet to lift up their own eyes and get about the business for which Christ has sent us.

Have a glorious and Christ-filled Thanksgiving!

T. M. Moore, Principal

All Psalms for singing from The Ailbe Psalter. Scripture taken from the New King James Version. © Copyright 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

[1]Da Paor, p. 102.


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