Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.
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Realizing the presence, promise, and power of the Kingdom of God.


T.M. Moore
T.M. Moore

Toss your idols into the nearest lake!

Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brothers, what shall we do?” And Peter said to them, “Repent…”

   – Acts 2.37, 38

When they were come together, Gall cleared his throat and poured out into their ears and hearts, mellow words entreating them to turn to Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who would reveal to poor lukewarm human nature the approach of the kingdom of heaven. Then in the sight of all he raised the images of their gods and threw them into the lake.

   – The Anonymous Monk, Life of St. Gall, German, 8th century

This is one of my favorite stories in the annals of Celtic Christianity, and it embodies so much of the Celtic approach to doing the business of the Kingdom.

First, go where the lost people are. Seek them out on their own turf, and don’t just wait for them to show interest in the Gospel.

Second, preach with clarity, sweetness, and passion; set forth Jesus as Son of God and Lord of the Kingdom, offering to poor benighted souls the righteousness, peace, and joy that only He can give.

But, third, make it clear that following Jesus comes at a cost – into the lake with all your vain idols!

When Gall and Columbanus, his mentor, and all the other Celtic Christian preachers, urged their hearers to repent, they meant it, and they were prepared to aid them on the way by dramatic means – in-your-face confrontations, throwing idols into the lake, refusing to go along with political agendas, and demanding moral improvement.

How important it is that we understand as Peter did, echoing Jesus (Matt. 4.17), that the first order of business in entering the Kingdom and receiving the Gospel is that we repent. Repentance is both a general disposition – a willingness to be done with sin – and a particular practice – actually turning specific sins over to the Father and throwing our idols into the lake.

We must repent to enter the Kingdom, and we must repent daily in order to make progress in it. Repentance shakes off the baggage of sin, unbelief, and self-serving ways. Without repentance, choosing a path in life more in line with the Law and Word of God (Ps. 119.59, 60), we have no life within us.

Do you know the practice of repentance? Do you practice what you know? When was the last time you remember repenting of anything? We will make no progress along the river of life until the idols of the flesh are in the lake.

Learn repentance.

Psalm 51.10-13 (Passion Chorale: “O Sacred Head, Now Wounded”)
Create in me a clean heart, renew me from within!
Take not Your Spirit from me because of all my sin.
Salvation’s joy restore, Lord, and keep me in Your hand;
Thus shall I tell Your strong Word to sinners in the land.

Teach me repentance Lord, and help me, every day, cast off the idols that keep me from a closer and more obedient walk with You.

T. M. Moore, Principal


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